Example sentences of "this [adv] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 This presumably implies that the contents had been consigned as an offering to the goddess , whose shrine or temple may have been nearby .
2 Robert this , this presumably implies that the agent is suing the name
3 This presumably means that leave must be sought to file a supplementary statement where any time limit for filing evidence has expired .
4 This expressly states that rape is committed where sexual intercourse takes place without consent .
5 Without the explicit power to charge depreciation , this effectively means that local authorities have to adopt the ‘ charge in lieu of depreciation ’ method of accounting and as such has a significant effect on their accounts ( see Chapter 9 ) .
6 This effectively means that only the largest building societies , those with assets of 100m or more , can effectively compete .
7 If two different species showed the same coloration , this merely confirmed that they were both subject to the same orthogenetic trend .
8 This merely states that when output is at its natural rate , unemployment is at its natural level ; and that when real output is above ( below ) its natural level , unemployment will be below ( above ) its natural level .
9 But this merely says that the government must determine how much is produced .
10 I think this merely emphasises that each school is operating its own erm thing , as it were .
11 This merely mentions that Browne 's Hospital held property at Wothorpe .
12 Whilst the latest CBI survey reports a turn for the better in future business confidence amongst UK industry and commerce , this merely indicates that the rate at which businesses are failing has slowed .
13 If correct , this apparently means that it was after the conquest of Norway in 1028 and therefore after he attended the imperial coronation of Conrad II of Germany in Rome in 1027 .
14 This basically means that every clause has the structure of a message : it says something ( the rheme ) about something ( the theme ) .
15 Its scarcity contributed to its status as the most universally accepted precious substance , but this only ensured that unceasing efforts were made to reduce scarcity by increasing supplies .
16 Unfortunately this only proves that the total costed each month to the various cost centres is correct , but does not overcome the problem of invoices or other documentation inadvertently being costed to the wrong project .
17 However , this only shows that there is some natural classification ( which would not be the case if traits were allotted to objects randomly ) , but not that the natural classification is hierarchical .
18 But this only shows that we will not learn the whole meaning at once , at the beginning .
19 This obviously means that the male 's workload more than doubles , as he has to hunt for his mate and the babies as well as himself .
20 In fishing this literally means that the catching sector has been forced back into a more primitive , earlier phase .
21 But does this necessarily mean that a woman is not fully aware of the enormous importance of offering food , producing and raising children , shaping the atmosphere of the home ?
22 This necessarily meant that Althusser endorsed Bachelard 's arguments about empiricism and rejected the concept of history as a system of progression or evolution .
23 ( This perhaps indicates that it was tactically inept in this case for the plaintiffs to seek to persuade the court that the whole package of information was confidential. ) 5 Whether additional protection should be afforded to an employer where the former employee is not seeking to earn his living by making use of the body of skill , knowledge and experience which he has acquired in the course of his career , but is merely selling to a third party information which he acquired in confidence in the course of his former employment Goulding J drew no such distinction .
24 In general , however , it is only the massive gulf between perceptual ability and linguistic competence of conscious articulation which provides evidence in day to day experience of the power of an unconscious oriented towards objects rather than language ; but this alone implies that the object world holds great significance .
25 This alone suggests that there is a serious danger of the European Community becoming based on an absurd paradox : that of internal free trade but external protectionism .
26 It was due to a war that the boys became stranded on the island and this alone suggests that man is a sinful creature .
27 This normally meant that some of their castles were demolished and others retained in the King 's hand .
28 When they are dried out this generally indicates that they have already been eaten twice .
29 This generally means that the repayment supplement will only arise if the ‘ surplus ACT ’ was repaid more than 21 months after the end of the accounting period producing the surplus .
30 If the flow is a big one , this usually means that the flow has an outer layer of rubbly fragments , an intermediate layer of solid , hard lava , and a core which is still molten .
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