Example sentences of "at [pers pn] for the " in BNC.

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1 Offering the blond English boy — the one I was throwing water at now — half my lunch , and sitting there full of gratitude because he smiled , because he liked the taste of the piece of chicken dipped in cumin and saffron and he had smiled at me for the first time .
2 And Wright , whose misery over the weekend was compounded when he wasted a glorious chance to rescue a point for Arsenal , added : ‘ Some people are just having a go at me for the sake of it and it 's beginning to get to me . ’
3 Nigel turned his head to look at me for the first time and smiled in a kindly manner .
4 Suddenly , looking at me for the first time , ‘ Tell me , ’ she said , ‘ oh , tell me — what are you in ? ’
5 He looked at me for the first time when I said this .
6 He nodded and he looked at me for the first time .
7 He looks at me for the first time .
8 Undoubtedly their best moment , and the song 's that doomed them to have bricklayers shouting ‘ Un-belief-a-boll ’ at them for the rest of their lives , ‘ Unbelievable ’ is the ultimate pop-panto .
9 He turned towards the two men , smiled at them for the first time .
10 It had been one of those deep , deep sleeps ; the kind when you do n't know a thing until your mum starts yelling at you for the umpteenth time that you 're going to be late for school if you do n't get up .
11 He 's not shouting at you for the sake of it — he 's shouting at you in an effort to improve you .
12 He looked at her for the first time with real unease .
13 He looked at her for the first time since the beginning ; her head was still turned away , her hands over her face ; she had shown no further response to anything he had done .
14 As she turned to wait for me at the end of the path , I felt I was looking at her for the first time : her face paler than her arms , a blonde shadow on her upper lip , no lipstick .
15 George turned to Catherine , kissed her hands and seemed content to stare at her for the rest of the night if not for the rest of his life : Mary bowed her head a little and Hope looked away , sipped at his claret , could do no more .
16 Infected by his laughter the wife of the younger mandarin smiled , and Joseph looked at her for the first time .
17 Cheryl looked at her for the first time .
18 He shrugged , leaning back in his chair , smiling at her for the first time with that devastating smile which made her heart beat faster .
19 He looked at her for the first time and saw the tears on her cheeks that were glistening in the starlight .
20 ‘ Please , ’ she replied softly then looked at him for the first time since he had sat down .
21 When she said this she looked full at him for the first time and ill though she seemed he saw in her eyes the full pride and command of an eagle .
22 ‘ Perhaps , ’ she answered , smiling freely at him for the first time that evening .
23 She looked at him for the first time , then lowered her eyes again .
24 Then Riven asked the question that had been gnawing at him for the last day : ‘ What about Murtach ? ’
25 The boy was standing there , smiling at him for the second time that day .
26 Her eyes flew upward , looking at him for the first time .
27 Normally she would have screamed at him for the minute splinters she knew he must be creating , but now she kept her anger for other matters .
28 You could n't see the card until you unfolded the handkerchief and now Wexford looked at it for the first time .
29 He knew the pattern of the carpet by heart but now it was as if he were looking at it for the first time , taking it all in , the design of orange and black squares .
30 ‘ A friend of mine , Anthony Cherry , who produces Prime Time for the BBC , saw in this some journalistic potential and is currently looking at it for the BBC programme 40 Minutes ’ , says Hewitt . ’
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