Example sentences of "with [pn reflx] for [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He found he was angry with himself for leaving his seat ; he had badly wanted to hear what his father was about to say , but the all-too-familiar sound of him praising his brother had produced its usual feeling of agitation .
2 Driving back from seeing Ray Darby , Wickham was stern with himself for having twice in one day fallen into reminiscence about Vanessa .
3 However , the frown on his face did not surprise her , as it probably meant he was annoyed with himself for having been quite so fervent in the way he 'd crushed her lips beneath his own .
4 Until , that is , he realises what he has done , and feels cross with himself for walking into an emotional trap of his own unconscious devising .
5 ‘ How are you ? ’ he asked , and was annoyed with himself for sounding so effusive .
6 Angry as he was at the directors for failing to appreciate his talents and not understanding what he was driving at , Dustin was angrier with himself for losing jobs .
7 Philip was sick with himself for letting him go .
8 He still showed little emotional reaction though he was evidently angry with himself for letting his natural arrogance be so easily quashed .
9 Teversham was unnerved by the nearness of the following Land Rover and irritated with himself for missing an elementary point .
10 Before I could reply he took himself up quickly , as if angry with himself for asking .
11 Sabine tried to sound non-committal and was furious with herself for blushing .
12 Irritated with herself for reminding him , Julia turned back to face the front and said nothing more until Bill had dropped them outside a big yellow house on the edge of Fiesole .
13 At first , angry with herself for over-reacting , Nell felt suddenly deflated .
14 ‘ Your book ? ’ she enquired , doubtfully , angry with herself for allowing domesticity to prevent her from keeping more up to date with the literary news .
15 Furious with herself for allowing such a situation , she pushed Marc 's hand away , panting slightly with suppressed emotion at the misunderstandings she knew must follow .
16 She was annoyed with herself for allowing this man to overhear her secret thoughts .
17 The sound of the start of the midnight bell was clear now through the starlit air , and she was angry with herself for allowing Miguel Rafaelo to prevent her seeing her hero .
18 Angry with herself for reacting to him , she peeled off her wet swimsuit and vigorously began to towel her body .
19 She felt angry with herself for getting carried away by the ideas in her head , for turning her back on reality .
20 He could not resist showing off , hitting the ball all over the court and making her run around until she was pink with the effort and furious with herself for getting into such an undignified situation .
21 She was irritated with herself for thinking like a spy , for slipping into Urquhart 's world of suspicion and conspiracy , and as she became more irritated with herself , she became sharp with her companion .
22 He should have been less intimidating now he was seated , but she still felt uneasy , and she was annoyed with herself for showing any weakness , but she could n't help the quiver in her voice , the tears that pricked behind her eyes .
23 Furious with him , and with herself for walking into the trap , Polly re-ran the conversation between the two men .
24 His reaction had bewildered her , but she did n't want to dwell on it , because she knew that she would inevitably end up spending the entire evening thinking of him , and then feeling frustrated and angry with herself for having given in to her private weakness .
25 Although annoyed with herself for having been so indiscreet , she was still unable to control her tongue as words slipped from her .
26 She bit off further words , feeling irritated with herself for having made that admission .
27 She was both satisfied and angry with herself for having tripped Caro so neatly .
28 Suddenly she felt angry with herself for having let her emotions get out of control .
29 Kelly was annoyed with herself for feeling a pang of jealousy that Jack Butler was now deep in conversation with the girl on his right .
30 Again her mother 's face and voice came before her , and she hurried past the Indian , annoyed with herself for feeling embarrassed .
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