Example sentences of "that i see [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He gave me six points for this country so clearly that I saw them as if on a black-board and could simply copy them down . ’
2 It was n't until later that I saw what ‘ Uncle Pepi ’ was capable of , in Block 10 .
3 Although Korda was now more of a financier than an active producer , it was his suggestion that led Graham Greene to visit Austria to see if he could find the background in the four-power occupation of Vienna which would inspire him to extend his one-line story : ‘ I had paid my last farewell to Harry less than a week ago , when his coffin was lowered in the frozen February ground , so that it was with incredulity that I saw him pass by , without a sign of recognition , among the host of strangers in the Strand . ’
4 He started wearing women 's clothes , he started putting on make-up and on the last couple of times that I saw him he was pretty strange .
5 And , though I hate to admit it , the fact that I saw him differently was Sophie 's doing .
6 Even so … there is reason to say that I saw him , even though I then neither made , nor could have made any judgement at all , either right or wrong , about who or what it was that I saw .
7 I had tried hard to destroy all feelings of love for him , but now that I saw him again , I could not stop myself loving him .
8 Just that I saw him on a train to London a couple of weeks ago .
9 The bat flitted so low that I saw its silhouette for a brief moment against the Milky Way .
10 It was then that I saw her wild , inhuman face !
11 All I could do was to mumble that I regretted not taking my degree , and , though I could see it was irritating of me to whine , to feel stale and bored was not such a trivial thing ; that though we might have the vote now , meals still had to be prepared and children looked after and since this kind of drudgery was despised by society as not being ‘ real work ’ , we were in the hideous position of being both exhausted and imprisoned by it and also looked down on for doing it ; that I had honestly tried to be the sort of wife Richard wanted — and the sort of wife I felt I ought to be — but it was like being in a kind of airless cell and I could only see Richard as a jailer ; that I saw myself becoming progressively more and more incapable of doing anything , not just mentally , but from some kind of paralysis of will .
12 It was not that I was so self-blind that I saw nothing to be learnt .
13 So the decision was made for me , you see , it was only afterwards that I saw I had taken quite a step — a leap in the dark , in fact .
14 In terms of a planning process Anne was talking about , you 'll have to forgive me for being relatively new to Oxfordshire and coming from an area where we had a planning system which was largely the one I was describing , and the planning role that I saw I wanted to develop was very much already mentioned which was actually going round to small groups of people , to the local caring groups on a much more informal basis , and getting their contribution about that and then feeding it back into the system , which you say is there in a sense .
15 You must take my word for it that I saw it by accident .
16 It was n't until much later that I saw it metaphorically .
17 that 's the way that I saw it .
18 ‘ I saw you , it means nothing that I saw you
19 My point is that I see nothing in the Gracious Speech to enable me to counter the opinions expressed by our European partners who are still proud to know us but bemused that we have a Britain which in their eyes is no longer as great as it was .
20 I am ushered reverently into a cabin and pick up the quaint hand set , which has an additional round earpiece for clamping over the spare ear , so that I see myself reflected in the glass like a radio operator or a session singer .
21 ‘ It is important that I see her . ’
22 In the end , it 's on that rainy promenade that I see her .
23 For that matter , now that I see them for this moment so clearly , what has Hugh to do with the king , either ?
24 ‘ As far as I am concerned diving is not an excessive calorie-consuming sport , and certainly from the numbers of divers that I see who are overweight , I do not actually believe that the statement in ‘ The Great Diving Adventure ’ , by Horace Hobbs , is actually borne out .
25 He takes good care that I see it . ’
26 ‘ I hope you realise that it is only on account of the entreaty of Taheb that I see you , Huy , ’ were his words of greeting .
27 Now , I must say that I see there is a point of charging for every television set , erm , I do n't have any er , er objection to that , but one rider , that senior citizens should be helped .
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