Example sentences of "that [noun sg] was no " in BNC.

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1 Advertisements for Harvard dealers pointed out demurely that remuneration was no obstacle for the right person .
2 He said that money was no object — those were his actual words — and he wanted the most expensive teeth I could provide .
3 The Old Testament laws endeavoured to ensure that punishment was no greater than the offence , and in any case was less than private retribution .
4 He was firm in saying that devaluation was no solution but imprecise as to what further action he might take to prevent it .
5 Mr. Barnes ' affidavit showed no more than that the Bank might exercise their own supervisory function once they had the result of the Federal Reserve Board inquiry in their hands , so that supervision was no more than a secondary purpose which did not qualify .
6 She found Clelia 's company extraordinarily entertaining , and bracing only in so far as she liked to be braced : she could hardly follow a word , for instance , of the art references in her conversation , but Clelia managed somehow to combine a great air of erudition and abstruseness with a marked facility for making explanations , so that ignorance was no bar to amusement .
7 Someone — I think it was Klemperer — said that conducting was no more and no less than the ‘ power of suggestion ’ .
8 Other Norwegians argued that whaling was no more cruel than any other forms of hunting indulged in by anti-whaling nations , including fox- or deer-hunting , and claimed that explosive grenades fired by the harpoon guns ensured that the whale died instantly .
9 In contrast , a large clinic-based survey failed to show similar findings and the authors felt that hypertension was no more common in diabetics than non-diabetics ( Keen et al , 1975 ) .
10 Even allowing for the probability that Time was no non-stop streamliner , faring ever forward at the same speed every day of creation , some fresh interruption of Nature must have occurred to explain its present serpentine course .
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