Example sentences of "that if [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In his efforts to persuade the Grand Junction in favour of the Foxton-Willoughby ( or Norton ) route , Barnes made a detailed survey , and apparently satisfied most critics and competing interests , including landowners and farmers , that if properly conserved there was plenty of water for ‘ a very ample trade ’ .
2 it is seen that if equally split each man would have had £13 : 11s. : 3d. for his 3½ months of labour .
3 The commissions had recommended ‘ mild ’ legislation about industrial pollution ; and Frankland believed that if firmly enforced it
4 During the last war intelligence experts came to rely upon Ultra so heavily that if Ultra intercepts told them nothing they automatically assumed the Germans were doing nothing .
5 However , the Tories and Labour signalled that if either emerged as the largest single party they would put a Queen 's Speech to Parliament and dare the other parties to vote them down — possibly triggering another election as soon as October .
6 The background against which they fought was arid red desert ; they might have been fighting to make it green again ; yet one had the feeling that if either defeated the other it would be disaster .
7 I The seller shall prior to completion of the purchase carry out and complete in a good and workmanlike manner and with good quality materials the following works to the property , namely : J AB the [ wife ] of the seller hereby acknowledges that she has no claim to or interest in the property hereby agreed to be sold adverse to the interest of the buyer and in consideration of the buyer entering into this agreement she hereby agrees that if so required she will join in the [ conveyance ] [ transfer ] [ assignment ] [ lease ] for the purpose of vesting the said property in the buyer free from incumbrances .
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