Example sentences of "that [pron] is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The computer keyboard also has its own memory and if the computer is busy doing something else or you type too fast , the last sequence of keystrokes ( usually 16 ) is remembered so that nothing is lost .
2 This chamber looks in some ways similar to the alchemical laboratory ( location 72 ) save that nothing is broken here , it 's simply very dusty and cobwebbed .
3 Note , too , that nothing is said within such analyses about forms of middle-class racism — the discussion pivots around a simple polarization between a ‘ ruling ’ and ‘ working ’ class .
4 Reliance is placed upon the statutory duty of the Independent Broadcasting Authority to ensure that nothing is transmitted on the commercial airwaves which is in bad taste or is likely to prove offensive to public feeling .
5 Unless entry into partnership between firms is actually intended , steps should be taken to ensure that nothing is done which would create such relationship .
6 Check that nothing is getting hot .
7 It is quite clear that nothing is missing from the other end of the Interludium as it was copied on to this vellum : the vellum had already been cut to its surviving top edge by the time the Interludium came to be written on to it .
8 ‘ Well , now that we 've decided that nothing is going to happen tonight that does n't happen every Saturday night in Pepe 's Bar , tell me — why on earth can you even think for a second that Miguel is falling for me ? ’
9 The Boffins take care of him when Betty goes away , and disguised as a dustman , he keeps an eye on Wegg whilst Boffin 's mounds are cleared to see that nothing is stolen .
10 You get the feeling that nothing is left to chance .
11 Check that the bridge fits snugly back into place and that nothing is preventing it from seating properly ; small gaps at either end of the bridge are common , but the glue will fill these .
12 Mr George Ryde , TGWU national secretary for civil aviation , said : ‘ Our members are involved in almost every aspect of airport work , and they tell a different story to the public relations myth that nothing is spared in providing passengers with maximum security .
13 A feeling of loneliness is connected with a feeling that nothing is happening :
14 After the answers that I have given , I do not know how anyone can say that nothing is happening on the matter .
15 Otaka ensures that nothing is allowed to detract from the overview , yet he allows his orchestra sufficient freedom to shape phrases affectionately without every suffocating them .
16 In this atmosphere , it was understandable that commercial television should be placed under the close scrutiny of a licensing body , empowered by what is now s4(1) of the Broadcasting Act 1981 to ensure : ( a ) that nothing is included in the programmes which offends against good taste or decency or is likely to encourage or incite to crime or to lead to disorder or to be offensive to public feeling … ( b ) that due impartiality is preserved on the part of persons providing the programmes as respects matters of political or industrial controversy or relating to current public policy .
17 Either the magistrate refuses bail and says , effectively , that the court orders that the weekly equivalent of £20,000 a year is spent on the offender until his case is heard , or the court grants bail and orders that nothing is spent on the offender until the case is heard .
18 Suffice it to say , without getting into the tortured complexities of the US budget process , that everyone is fiddling with the numbers .
19 If your wedding guests are not seated in a reception hall but milling around a hotel or house your problem is to ensure that everyone is gathered in the right place at the right time to hear the speeches .
20 Reaction to the latest rise makes it clear that everyone is watching out for another eruption of internal discord on the exchange rate between Sir Alan Walters in Downing Street , and Mr Lawson in the Treasury .
21 Co-ordinator — making sure that objectives are clear and that everyone is involved and committed .
22 It is essential that everyone is kept informed about what is involved and just how the new system will impact upon them .
23 The fact that everyone is writing us off does n't bother us .
24 ‘ We 've discussed all the possibilities so that everyone is covered , ’ says Enya .
25 Above all I want to ensure that everyone is given the chance to play a full part in shaping a Britain noted throughout the world for its stability , prosperity and harmony .
26 It is evident , too , that everyone is doing this at a time when thoughts of recession could easily exclude any charitable action .
27 One consequence of this immobility is that everyone is surrounded by people very like himself , most of whom he has always known .
28 At first , we thought everyone else was booming while we were down in the dumps , but from talking to other businessmen you realise that everyone is suffering the same . ’
29 My complaint about reviews so far is that everyone is reviewing the man Larkin and not the biography of him .
30 School makes me nervous ; when I walk down the corridor I feel that everyone is staring at me , and because a lot of people know about my anorexia they think it their job to comment constantly on what I am eating or not eating , and how much better I look now that I 've put on weight .
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