Example sentences of "not be [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Jagged Edge , Betrayed and Music Box are all about characters whose loved ones may or may not be slimeball murderers .
2 Brown can not be deputy leader for the straightforward reason that an all-Scottish ticket would put off the English .
3 On the other hand — again , just looking at the economics — while you are working , you will not be spending money on entertainment .
4 Where rejuvenation intervenes before the river has had sufficient time for lateral erosion to form a flat valley floor , there will not be river terraces at the side of the stream but merely breaks of slope in the valley sides ( Fig. 9.6 ) .
5 It may not be PC Tools but it 's cheap !
6 But although his selected trio — Northwich Victoria 's Liverpool-born defender Jeff Parker , Warrington Town utility man Paul McNally and Northern Ireland Under-21 midfielder Norman Kelly may not be household names , he is convinced they are the right choice .
7 Therese can not be Snow White or Cinderella , but she can be Queen of the Night .
8 The subjects in respect of which concessions can be given need not be law subjects .
9 Fields claimed that he was refusing to pay on principle , because the tax was unjust ; Neil Kinnock , the Labour Party leader , said that he had " absolutely no sympathy " with Fields , and that " law makers must not be law breakers " .
10 Indeed , perhaps the most sensible thing that that model of of consistency , Ki Neil Kinnock , has said this year was , law makers must not must not be law breakers .
11 First , since each contains zeros in its diagonal , it can not be pos. def .
12 50% of the customers will not be CASE users , estimates O'Brien .
13 However , regional secretaries , despite our many wonderful skills , can not be litigation experts and run the cases .
14 On the downside , high performance can today only be achieved with a proprietary multi-chip implementation , early PowerPC implementations will not be performance leaders and IBM is caught up in internal conflicts over the AS/400 and its mainframes .
15 This will not be theme park shopping , Karen insists , nor will The Galleries be closed at night .
16 However , if there has been no combustion , there has not been a fire e.g. smoke from a defective heater would not be fire damage and no payment would be made .
17 Scorching of furniture left too near to an open fire or a gas fire would be considered as fire damage , but if it was an electric fire or a radiator , then this would not be fire damage as there would have been no combustion .
18 More interestingly , the items which provide the focus to the concordance need not be dictionary headings or even vocabulary words at all .
19 But the budgets will not be cash limits and GPs will remain free to prescribe all the drugs their patients need , he insisted .
20 Remember , though , that since the valetudinarian English gave Pau up the climate has reverted to what it was , so you need to be there on a day of reasonable weather , otherwise the Boulevard will not be tea Pyrénées at all , but only of the closer and less pleasing scene .
21 I mean , Kylie Minogue in a wheelchair would not be Kylie Minogue , because if she went on ‘ Top of the Pops ’ it would be : ‘ Here 's tragic Kylie , here 's a scene from her hospital bed ’ , then she 'd sink into never-never land — bye-bye .
22 It would not be statute law in the first instance , since it takes so long to get proposed statutes passed into law .
23 This is because other dealings as principal with the firm may technically not be investment business by the counterparty ; because the firm is an authorised person the own account exemption in para 17 of Sched 1 would normally apply .
24 They must not be accommodation bills , where no underlying transaction exists , where the bill has been accepted so that it can be discounted for capital purposes .
25 ‘ No , it would not be supper time yet , ’ said the Dean firmly .
26 What is equally clear is that the developer would not be Parkdale Archerfield as suggested in your report .
27 I 've been playing a Les Paul plugged straight into a Boogie Dual Rectifier , and this great ‘ 63 Telecaster I bought in Boston which might or might not be Ronnie Earl 's old guitar .
28 We will not be wage slaves any more .
29 It could n't be Dr Kent ; she hardly knew him , she 'd only spoken to him three times , and then briefly .
30 Lewis insisted that if he was crowned WBC champion by default he was ready to put his title on the line next spring against a British opponent — but it would n't be Frank Bruno .
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