Example sentences of "he so [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 She hit him so savagely that a woman with a pram told her to calm down .
2 In one stride he was against her and he caught her to him so savagely that every bit of breath seemed to leave her body .
3 Richard was already a good shot , a patient fisherman and a brave , if occasionally reckless , rider , but competence in all these sports had come to him so easily that he had no interest in practising them .
4 He was unfastening the waist of his trousers now , having kicked shoes and socks under a chair , and in helpless fury she bent down to snatch the damp towel from the floor , wrenching it round herself and jumping down from the bed , glaring at him so ferociously that he suddenly burst out laughing .
5 He conquered him so completely that the man now housed him , clothed , fed and supported him and used every spare minute to coach and prepare him for some as yet unrevealed greatness .
6 He drew her against him so completely that shafts of sexual awareness pierced her and a blind hungry need made her cling to him .
7 Nevertheless , Paul is saying that Jesus ' death affected him so profoundly that by standing in his shadow he is forgiven and justified .
8 The mother-daughter relationship he had witnessed in London had moved him so profoundly that he had fallen in love with them both .
9 Carla put her arms round his waist , one hand lifted to clap his back , as a mother does to a child ; and held him so closely that the deep tremor of his sobbing ran through them both .
10 He knew that the animal would either kill Sir Henry or would hurt him so badly that it would be easy to complete the murder . ’
11 She wanted to see him so badly that she felt physically bereft .
12 They knew him so well that everyone fell into a hush and appeared to move around him on tiptoes .
13 It has happened in France , Cameron felt like saying , and then the thought of the gulf between France and Scotland came over him so dauntingly that he suffered a backwash of despair .
14 These days she was glad of any invitation to proximity , and curled up beside him so promptly that he gave her an amused sidelong glance as he took her hand in his .
15 ‘ When you 're a bit stronger , I 'll drive you over there each time he calls me in , ’ he said , and Joanna looked at him so gratefully that tears burned at the back of Sophie 's eyes .
16 To his surprise , she did not reply but looked at him so vaguely that he inferred that she had not heard him .
17 By this finding himself relieved , he again resumed his studies until the hour of dinner , when the disorder again attacked him so violently that it produced a fainting fit , which held him till the evening ; he went soon after to bed , and passed a very uneasy , restless night .
18 He tried to move inside her , but she gripped him so tightly that there might have been a claw inside her vagina .
19 Anger was rippling through him so fiercely that his whole body seemed to be shivering uncontrollably .
20 ‘ He said he 'd read it somewhere a couple of years ago , and it had struck him so deeply that he could n't shake it from his mind .
21 THERE is nothing more humiliating than loving him so much that you forgive the infidelities .
22 I loved him so much that I knew it would be all right .
23 She loved him so much that it was painful to just stand there watching him , and her eyes filled with easy tears .
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