Example sentences of "go to the [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And in fact that showed no relief to the A sixty one at all in that it was quicker for traffic to actually pass er through on the A sixty one going to the to the traffic model and the all the assumptions built into it , er than it was to use a southern bypass er out to the inner northern route and then back to the A sixty one south of Killinghall .
2 Well he says he 's going to the , he said he was going to the on Friday and they would be finished by Friday .
3 You know a new elbow , a new knee and you think it 's going to the like your own elbow ?
4 It 's a very stiff exam I must admit , when I look back on it , and we all had a a day off to go to the at or the Grammar school , sit this exam er and since I never heard anything I 'm assuming I failed .
5 At the moment the er the regulators ask us to go to the to the customers , and this we have done , and produce something called market plans .
6 I know she goes to the with the door open when all the other kids
7 A great late run by Chats saw it fizzle as the winning post came too soon for them , victory went to the in form Likely Lads team of Patsy McGee , Kieran Ferry , Eamon Devlin , Frank Ferry , Daniel O'Connell and Brian Deehan .
8 If I 'd have gone to the to the social services or er the D H S S and says to them , my daughter 's got to have a new uniform to go to school with because her self respect is gon na suffer if she does n't , they would n't have given be nothing .
9 The rest er er standard two to standard six , were all male , but lo and behold before I got to standard five , that had all become women and the men had all gone to the into the services .
10 Nothing gives me more pleasure now and if I go to the to the libraries and a young lad I say a young man like you will come to me and say , Hello Nurse , How are you ?
11 and when I heard er th from him that he 's going to er pick up somebody somewhere , and pick up somebody somewhere else and go to the to a
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