Example sentences of "what she have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 But as for what she had exchanged it for — that still seemed more like fantasy than waking reality .
2 Mr MacDuff agreed that the jury should award fair damages to compensate her for what she had gone through .
3 After what she had gone through she knew she could not reconstruct the universe , only recapture her own lost world .
4 Even though it was beginning to recede in her memory , Folly still could n't quite see what she had gone through as a joke .
5 The visitor told me things about her which I did n't believe , but still I nodded my head as if to confirm what she had said .
6 Maggie trusted that , trusted the clear steadiness , the certainty that Rachel would do what she said ; and what she had said , and went on saying quietly , calmly , efficiently , was that she loved Maggie .
7 She hesitated , searching back to remember what she had said , and then she laughed .
8 It was not even easy to remember exactly what she had said , so lightly had she said it , that had offended her sister .
9 When she realised what she had said she blushed .
10 Actually , what she had said on the phone was , ‘ I 'll drop orf and see the little buggers on my way in . ’
11 And all she could repeat was what she had said to the ambulance men .
12 His voice dropped to a whisper , and he looked absolutely stunned before nodding as if in agreement with what she had said .
13 She knew he was remembering the last time they had drunk Martinis together and what she had said to him then .
14 Clenching his fists , rigid with rage , Angel advanced on her , translating what she had said for the others .
15 Anne watched her for a few moments in stunned silence , trying to decide if she meant what she had said .
16 She believed what she had said and yet those last words had a curious prophetic ring — as if somewhere in those uncharted seas which man calls Time , they were echoing and re-echoing into the future .
17 I suppose she thought that Greene would not ask us to confirm what she had said , but chide us for impropriety on the strength of her word alone .
18 He was only a man in a queue but something in his voice suggested that what she had said struck a chord in him .
19 This nun had read passages of some sort to them but Millie had been unable to make out half of what she had said .
20 She said , between sobs that seemed to tear her chest open , something that sounded like , ‘ All my fault He knew it could n't be that because it did n't make sense but there was no point in asking her what she had said because she was crying too hard She cried and cried and Nick sat and watched .
21 She looked with tentative excitement at Pat who , it seemed , did not know what she had said .
22 Then she realized what she had said and put a hand over her mouth in consternation .
23 There were other words , harsh , angry bitter words , but later Katherine could never remember exactly what she had said , nor could she recall her son 's replies .
24 She repeated what she had said , only louder .
25 When Lili stopped speaking I wished I could ask her to repeat what she had said , but already she was lighting a cigarette and talking about linen .
26 I wished I could , for I could n't forget that what she had said had seemed significant , and of greater , stronger import than anything she had said since she had come back .
27 Miles winced , and Piper suddenly realized what she had said .
28 When pressed by Blanche she added nothing to what she had said before .
29 Not that she was sorry , even now , for what she had said .
30 Pakeezah repeated what she had said .
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