Example sentences of "that can be do " in BNC.

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1 Bernard Lane , one of the authors of the handbook , said : ‘ The students find that there is much more that can be done in the village than was thought .
2 Even so , all that can be done here is designate a unit holder under 18 , the child is only a beneficial owner .
3 Even so , all that can be done here is designate a unit holder under 18 , the child is only a beneficial owner .
4 Even so , all that can be done here is designate a unit holder under 18 , the child is only a beneficial owner .
5 The most that can be done is that B may allow C to use his name to claim the money .
6 Clearly , therefore , there is no way in which oxygen can be obtained without any water loss : the best that can be done is to minimize the loss .
7 The best that can be done , therefore , is to limit the supply of air to the minimum necessary to meet the requirements for oxygen .
8 Fortunately , there is much that can be done at home to reduce the level of chemical exposure — for the majority of patients , these simple measures will be enough to alleviate the symptoms considerably .
9 In 1922 , Collins promised on behalf of the Labour Party that ‘ all that can be done under the Maternity and Child Welfare Acts in the way of helping necessitous , and expectant and nursing mothers , and caring for young children would have our support ’ ( Election leaflet 1922 ) .
10 Even where we have overcome difficulties of technology and resources , as , for example , in producing multi-media stacks using Apple 's HyperCard ( or SuperCard ) , there is market resistance to purchasing what might otherwise come as public domain or ‘ shareware ’ and little that can be done to prevent illegal copying and resulting saturation of a limited market before costs are recovered .
11 They identify aspects of grief and restitution , the need to feel secure and confident that all that can be done has been done to recompense for earlier losses , and that one has a safe confidante somewhere in the situation .
12 ‘ If that can be done by private firms , then that is what I must go for . ’
13 A breakdown in the toilet habits of old dogs can again often be attributed to medical causes , and there is little that can be done , although in cystitis ( inflammation of the bladder ) , appropriate medication may resolve the problem rapidly .
14 There is little that can be done at this stage .
15 There is little that can be done down the sides of the door , beyond checking that the weatherstrip provided ( usually a rubber flap or brush strip ) is in order .
16 There are difficulties in identifying areas common to the brains of people and other animals and , even when that can be done , it is unclear how far one can rely on the areas working in exactly the same way .
17 There 's little that can be done about the former ( it 's a consequence of Improv 's structure ) but the latter will be addressed in a future release .
18 In terms of a written flight plan there is little that can be done about wind , headings and estimates .
19 ‘ The constable in certain districts ’ , The Pall Mall Gazette ( 19 February 1901 ) observed , ‘ is apparently looked upon as the common enemy whom it is right to kick and beat whenever that can be done with safety . ’
20 All that can be done here is to identify some of the relevant variables , using what must inevitably be a broad brush in their description .
21 Surely one does not spend one 's life as a biblical scholar reinterpreting the tradition because that is all that can be done in view of the fact that , like it or not , we live within this trajectory ?
22 There is , one must conclude , little that can be done .
23 This is the best that can be done to depopulate a matrix below its diagonal ; if one could remove infradiagonal elements as well , there would be no problem in finding eigenvalues and vectors of a matrix .
24 That can be done later .
25 But there is no single way in which that can be done , and so people contest within the state apparatus to promote their self-interest — both individually and collectively .
26 The more that can be done to help students to develop their own musical abilities and understanding , and thus see the immense potential of music in worship , the better ’ .
27 All that can be done will be done generally right away too .
28 They will have done all that can be done to unearth the truth .
29 If that can be done with improved efficiency with the whole range of services continuing to be carried out , there is no reason why the Secretary of State for Wales should not dive approval to such a scheme .
30 The best that can be done in trying to meet the air quality standards is to persuade each emitter to reduce emissions to meet some emission standard , which will ultimately be based on someone 's judgement of what is ‘ good practice ’ .
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