Example sentences of "that which [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Petrological studies of stone are constrained by the difficulties of distinguishing the actual source of the material from the basic choice of parent material and that which is glacially derived .
2 The ability to communicate extra-sensorily can be seen as a sort of literary emblem of that which is fundamentally beyond expression .
3 The only kind of credit which is inflationary is that which is newly created by the commercial banks ( and similar deposit-taking institutions ) .
4 You are saying that the answer is to do that which is inherently contradictory , to make the silent majority speak , to make the average the exception and so on .
5 The actual degree awarded to an individual will be that which is most appropriate to his or her background and experience and carries with it all the rights and privileges of membership of the University .
6 This method is the opposite to that which is most appropriate for the income statement .
7 If institutions are out of phase with social formation , the most powerful institution will be that which is most useful in regulating the conflict between interests which have their foundations in different modes of production — the bureaucracy .
8 In J v C [ 1970 ] AC 668 Lord Macdermott described it as : … a process whereby , when all the relevant facts , relationships , claims and wishes of parents , risks , choices and other circumstances are taken into account and weighed , the course to be followed will be that which is most in the interests of the child 's welfare as that term has now to be understood .
9 For it is precisely the fact that men have tended to be associated with that which is above , spiritual and ‘ like God ’ , whereas women have been associated with that which is below , of the earth , sexual , and ‘ unlike God ’ which lies at the heart of the problem !
10 True , without error , certain and most true ; that which is above is as that which is below , and that which is below is as that which is above , for performing the miracles of the One Thing ; and as all things were from One , by the mediation of One , so all things arose from this One Thing by adaptation ; the father of it is the Sun , the mother of it is the Moon ; the wind carries it in its belly ; the nurse thereof is the Earth .
11 True , without error , certain and most true ; that which is above is as that which is below , and that which is below is as that which is above , for performing the miracles of the One Thing ; and as all things were from One , by the mediation of One , so all things arose from this One Thing by adaptation ; the father of it is the Sun , the mother of it is the Moon ; the wind carries it in its belly ; the nurse thereof is the Earth .
12 In law , however , it has no force , and a doctor must ignore it if it requests him to do that which is otherwise unlawful or is contrary to the duty he owes to any patient .
13 It is presumed that the legislature does not intend to make any change in the existing law beyond that which is expressly stated in , or follows by necessary implication from , the language of the statute in question .
14 Again it may not be thought to be particularly helpful that God in God 's undifferentiated nature ( or indeed the Spirit in its rather vague nature ) are to be understood as ‘ female ’ , while ‘ divine energies ’ ( sic ) , that which is clearly differentiated and self-determining , is to be seen as ‘ male ’ .
15 Tony Wedd invented the word ‘ allotechnology ’ for this form of technology , as it is different in kind and basic principles of operation from that which is presently dominant in our society .
16 It may alternatively take the form of withholding or threatening to withhold the performance of some public duty or the rendering of some public service unless a payment is made which is not lawfully due or is greater than that which is lawfully due , as was the position in the colore officii cases .
17 Christmas th they did , get windows on the side , to big windows she and that was that which is probably as well we .
18 Wolfgang Iser points out that Ingarden 's analysis implies two types of indeterminacy : that which is eventually eliminated in the process of ‘ realization ’ and that which is integral to the world of the text and a constitutive aspect of its status as fiction ( Iser 1978:173 ) .
19 My initial assumption is that any given member of any given society makes some distinction between his immediate social environment and that which is outside it .
20 There is another approach which considered intentional social behaviour with regard to the outside and makes the minimum assumption that people differentiate the local environment ( in terms of group , zone , sphere or arena ) from that which is outside .
21 That which hath been is now ; and that which is to be hath already been ; and God requireth that which is past .
22 Any given rise in unemployment in the winter months , therefore , can only be shown to be significant if it can be demonstrated that the rise is over and above that which is normally expected at that time of year .
23 The tension used for weaving should usually be about one number looser than that which is normally used for stocking stitch .
24 ‘ Moreover , the very thing that triggers this evolutionary pattern is that which is normally guaranteed to defend the body against disease — the immunisation programme ! ’
25 Right , carrying on erm for the subject of erm compensation over and above erm that which is normally given to people who move from one place to another when , when they 're , they 're f h h have to be ,
26 The duty to ensure that the premises are reasonably safe , either under the OLA 1957 or at common law , only requires the occupier to do that which is reasonably practicable to ensure the safety of visitors to the premises .
27 Bourdieu 's main original contribution to analyses of education is to distinguish between that which is directly inculcated in the education process and that which is indirectly absorbed .
28 The best criticism is that which is both amusing and poetic ; not a cold , mathematical criticism which , on the pretext of explaining everything , has neither love nor hate , and voluntarily strips itself of every shred of temperament .
29 ‘ No expenditure of any kind is allowed for beyond that which is absolutely necessary for the maintenance of merely physical efficiency ’ .
30 the prodigal son , but you also have the second part of that which is almost a separate story of , the son who had not gone into the far country .
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