Example sentences of "as can be seen " in BNC.

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1 It is relatively brief , as can be seen by comparing it with a more recent competitor for the same market , H. W. Janson 's A History of Art , which is more than twice the length and has more illustrations ( 928 in 1962 ) .
2 The head , body and arms rise upwards and outwards in all the happy emotions as can be seen in the final dances of The Sleeping Beauty , La Fille Mal Gardée and Daphnis and Chloë .
3 It was used in a similar way by the newly literate or semi-literate Bolsheviks at the higher levels of the Smolensk and Kursk guberniia party organizations , as can be seen from even a cursory reading of their minutes .
4 Individuals go to bed later or earlier than average on certain occasions , as can be seen by close inspection of Fig. 2.2 .
5 Second , they confirm the difficulties of interpretation that can arise , as can be seen by considering the result which shows the frequency of errors made by locomotive drivers .
6 This study showed up some fascinating differences : the figurative pieces — small models of porcupines , antelopes and so on — showed no convincing evidence for quantisation , but the geometric pieces did , as can be seen in the frequency charts of the weights ( fig.9.5 ) .
7 Equally lovely , and good for summer bedding ( as can be seen at Sissinghurst ) , is the purplish-black ‘ Lord Bute ’ .
8 The top coin shows Henry VII ( 1485-1509 ) ; it is the same generic royal image which had been used for two centuries , as can be seen from the close similarity of the image used by Edward I ( compare fig. 3 ) .
9 But with the Renaissance there was a return to the individualised portraits of antiquity , as can be seen in the portrait of the next king , Henry VIII .
10 As can be seen , budgeting is not just a mechanical or technical exercise , a point developed by Irvine ( 1975 p. 74 ) :
11 The metamorphic gneisses throughout the Hebrides have been eroded to a gentle , undulating landscape as can be seen in central Lewis .
12 As can be seen from Figure 4 the age profile of all ethnic minority groups is typically younger than that of the white population .
13 As can be seen , the Dutch do more than hold their own in the strong German classes , even at this level .
14 Sadly , as can be seen from the list of dispersals , even the older colleges have found it necessary to dispose of books .
15 This did not , however , stop the question of political marginality and the need to reform existing policies from being raised at all , as can be seen subsequently by the attempts after 1981 to introduce both locally and nationally measures which were meant to address some of the grievances of the rioters and to ensure that further disturbances did not occur .
16 Many projects for young people : are still in the planning or experimental stage and they do not always succeed immediately , as can be seen .
17 In Ipswich the situation was more complex : as can be seen from Table 3.2 , as many as half the clients referred to the project actually received no service ; 19 of the 27 were in hospital at referral , usually having been admitted to the psychiatric hospital following their referral and domiciliary visit by the psychogeriatrician .
18 As can be seen , approximately two-thirds went into hospital ( though , particularly in Ipswich , some of them were later transferred to an old people 's home ) .
19 As can be seen from the above description , the formation of the haemostatic plug or ‘ primary haemostasis ’ involves many properties of platelets including adhesion , aggregation , degranulation and release reaction , and these platelet properties will be briefly described .
20 States that ‘ the essential characteristics of Green Belts is ( sic ) their permanence and their protection must be maintained as far as can be seen ahead ’ .
21 As can be seen from the tables , just about anything may affect a symptom .
22 This is not the case , as can be seen from Table 1 , even in terms of simple numerical trend .
23 Nevertheless , as can be seen in Table 13 , a small proportion of patients admitted to the general hospital after self-injury have used very dangerous methods ( e.g. jumping from buildings , jumping in front of vehicles , hanging , and drowning ) and yet have survived .
24 As can be seen from table 2 , practical exercises ought to be one of the best methods for library user education .
25 As can be seen from the table , many of the specific objectives are similar for the two groups .
26 However , as can be seen , total individual output for a given course , with regard to pre-specified goals , can be used in the measurement of the effects of educational processes , if other variables are controlled .
27 As can be seen from the quotation from Marx , above , this was also the view of Marx himself .
28 It is the complexity of the decoding and responding that seems to be under-represented in this model , as can be seen in the communication model if the following is substituted :
29 It is easy to exaggerate the contribution that the reading of books and other materials make to development if one ignores the rich experiences provided by home , school , and peer group , but reading enables ( as can be seen from the discussion in earlier chapters ) a complementing of direct experience , a further widening of children 's worlds .
30 As can be seen by the titles of these groups , emphasis is on shared enjoyment , not a form of ‘ reading homework ’ .
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