Example sentences of "as [v-ing] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The episode had become part of family lore , as well as suggesting that the best place to be was Trazior itself .
2 More fundamentally , the Lucas point can be seen as suggesting that the constant structure of the economy , which it is a major aim of the macroeconomist to reveal , is much more deeply hidden than econometric model builders might previously have thought .
3 Reporting back to the Supreme Council on June 28 , Prunskiene quoted Gorbachev as confiding that the Lithuanians and the Soviets should be able to interpret the moratorium in whatever way suited them , so that honour could remain satisfied on both sides .
4 Le Monde of Jan. 31 had quoted Bassam Abou Sherif , a PLO spokesman in Tunis , as denying that the PLO had opened a " second front " against Israel in support of Iraq .
5 A spokesman of the Iranian Foreign Ministry was later quoted as reaffirming that the disputed islands belonged to Iran , and as referring to the GCC 's use of " inappropriate words " .
6 It is clear that the complex pattern of symptoms could not be a consequence of just one or two loci of damage within the normal reading system , and Morton and Patterson ( 1980 ) have offered an interpretation in which the disorder is explained as occurring when a number of different loci in the normal reading system are all damaged .
7 Duress invalidating consent to a contract is regarded as occurring where a party has been imprisoned or threatened with , for example , imprisonment , or violence , or harm to reputation , or criminal prosecution of a spouse .
8 It was talking of a ‘ gulf ’ between the two bodies , seeing the partnership discussions as revealing that the CNAA was not prepared to go very far towards new relationships , and criticizing validation visits in particular : they were ‘ more often than not ’ unsatisfactory in meeting the assumed objectives .
9 Being a notable actress , she is just as compelling when the doubts have been sown : this Elsa , after singing a glorious , apparently contended Third Act duet with Völker 's sovereign Lohengrin , becomes appropriately disturbed and hysterical .
10 Nothing of what I am going to attempt to say should in any way be read as denying the value of psychoanalysis nor as implying that the Church has not been , and continues to be , deeply misogynistic in ways that are damaging both to women and to the Church itself .
11 Kraemer and Roberts ( 1984 ) interpreted their results as implying that the pre-exposure procedure and the conditioning procedure establish independent memories and the ability of the former to interfere with retrieval of the latter declines over the retention interval .
12 This training procedure evidently generates context-specific latent inhibition , a result that I have interpreted as implying that the effects of exposure to the CS are less likely to interfere with new learning when the context is changed .
13 The circuit judge translated this as implying that the ‘ greater stress and pressure ’ of an arrest made a confession more likely .
14 It is possible to read paragraph ( b ) of this declaration as implying that the United Kingdom will execute Letters of Request seeking the production of particular documents specified in the Letter and required by way of ‘ discovery ’ , even if they do not ( in the words of the corresponding Rule of the Supreme Court ) 502 ‘ relate to a matter in question in the cause or matter ’ .
15 Cumberland was on record as believing that a battle without a cannonade was like a dance without music and Culloden began as a gunners ’ battle .
16 It is an intellectual leap of the same order as believing that the world is round .
17 Our distinguished , and rightly furious , director James Cellan Jones s quoted in the Times as believing that the BBC has lost its nerve in the wake of the Panorama libel case , which ended in a £250,000 settlement .
18 But the results are often seized upon in an ill-digested way by popular writers , occasionally the scientists themselves , as confirming that the animals have the linguistic competence and cognitive awareness of human beings .
19 Kimura saw this result as confirming that the left temporal lobe is more important than the right temporal lobe in the perception of spoken material .
20 He regarded that case as deciding that an agent for principal A who has chosen to act for another principal B on whose behalf he acquires information can not be forced to divulge such information to principal A but can be held liable in damages to principal A for breach of duty .
21 The children visit the church and learn to look at it and describe what they see , and this is in itself a valuable exercise ; but it becomes more valuable still if as well as noting that the fabric is stone , they are provoked to go on to enquire what type of stone , is it all the same stone , why were these types of stone Preferred , where do they come from , and how do they come to be what they are ?
22 Instead , they should be taken as emphasising that the determinants of health — particularly as they affect life expectancy and the incidence of disease — are mainly environmental .
23 He was glad to return from Siam in 1907 when he started consulting again , covering topics as diverse as sherardizing and the manufacture of composition billiard balls .
24 In September Information Minister Hamutenya was reported as stating that a diplomatic mission , but not a fully-fledged embassy , would be established in Pretoria .
25 The definition must be understood as stating that an idiom is an expression whose meaning can not be accounted for as a compositional function of the meanings its parts have when they are not parts of idioms .
26 I do not read these passages as stating that an unlawful demand which is enforceable is per se sufficient to found recovery .
27 After the Joint Liaison Group 's August 1989 meeting [ see above ] it was reported by the French news agency Agence France-Presse on Aug. 3 that Chinese officials responsible for the transfer of Macao had assured their Portuguese counterparts that the recent crushing of the pro-democracy movement in China ( the June 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre — see pp. 36720-21 ) , would not jeopardize the terms of the 1987 transfer agreement [ see pp. 35063-64 ] , and on Aug. 18 Li Peng , the Chinese Premier , was reported as stating that the work on the Macao issue was unaffected by the recent " turmoil " in China , with the meetings of the Sino-Portuguese group proceeding normally .
28 The Middle East Economic Digest of July 13 quoted a senior government official as stating that the total foreign debt of united Yemen stood at US$7,256 million as of March 1990 , a figure substantially higher than earlier World Bank estimates .
29 President Joseph Momoh was quoted on April 6 as stating that the army had done no more than pursue rebels across the frontier .
30 We can imagine the formation of such a chemical bond as requiring that a spring be compressed to bring the substances close to one another , at which point they are held together by a catch , as the jack is held in a jack-in-the-box .
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