Example sentences of "i [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sometime around the middle of the week , Dr MacLennan was allowed to see me for a while , after Diggs overruled my father 's refusal to have me medically inspected by anybody else but him .
2 We are well and have no worries being happy together and not in need William leaving me better provided for than ever I had expected .
3 ‘ In those days , the new psychology was just beginning to make itself felt in the circles I most frequented in Oxford , ’ he told readers of the 1950 reprint of Dymer .
4 I had problems with tutors trying to encourage me to diversity my work and experiment with other styles , but I was quite happy with the direction my work was heading so I stubbornly stuck to it .
5 I had problems with tutors trying to encourage me to diversity my work and experiment with other styles , but I was quite happy with the direction my work was heading so I stubbornly stuck to it .
6 Never , perhaps , have I so lived for such a long time together .
7 What I will tell you , and I will tell for the very first time , is that I personally dealt with people whose future may well have been considered under the terms of the AMO .
8 And yet , am I entirely satisfied with my lot ?
9 When I was , shall we say , inducted into the SS , the deal was that I only operated against the Russians .
10 I remember once , I was rehearsing a piece of Bach — I forget which piece it was — and I suddenly felt in a state of absolute harmony .
11 It was I just heard about
12 Du n no what I just done with the key actually .
13 But the important thing was that I just wanted to be free . ’
14 I mean I know it 's stupid er I just wanted to and there 's no hurry at all for it and if you 'd rather go somewhere else now
15 And er if I just run through them in in the amended version as I understand it .
16 ‘ Mildred Hubble , ’ said Miss Hardbroom wearily , ‘ what have I just said to you ?
17 Have n't I just proven to you that I lie ? ’
18 One of the children was crying loudly and Mrs Bennet said , ‘ Ee are , queen , here 's a biscuit I just found in me pinny pocket . ’
19 Wait a minute , I just got ta erm what are you ?
20 I did n't know what stall , type of stall she had I just read about it in the paper
21 This is my do it yourself manual , that I just learned by trial and error .
22 and er , I think that er , er I I I 'm quite interested an and really quite amused , if I once gone on proceedings of this council , because every time a a new initiative has been proposed , you have said , oh yes , we were going to do that .
23 In a misguided attempt to impress the veteran American producer , I brought up the name of Jaume Sisa : a songwriter I once met by chance in a bar in Barcelona , and a man whose work is considered obscure even in Catalonia .
24 That was all I ever felt for any woman — until I met you . ’
25 but it left me with an interest in Leeds United which I 've never shaken off , nor have I ever wnated to .
26 What have I ever done to anyone ?
27 What have I ever done to you ? ’
28 ‘ What 've I ever done to you , Carter ? ’
29 One of these entered the popular literature and is still repeated by journalists , despite the fact that Hugh McClean , who , in admitting his part in the Shankill UVF killings , is supposed to have said : ‘ I am terribly sorry I ever heard of that man Paisley or decided to follow him ’ , later denied making such a statement to the police .
30 Louis XVIII replied coldly : " Have I ever ceased to be ? "
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