Example sentences of "it [adv] [prep] go " in BNC.

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1 Well , then we went to the theatre ( I am sorry to make such a letter of it , but is it not like going to one of the Basingstoke Assemblies with Jane Austen ? ) .
2 If you insure all the property in your flat against theft , fire etc. you have less of an incentive to make the place thief-proof and to check over it carefully before going out or going to bed than if you were not insured .
3 ‘ Is it really worth going somewhere else ? ’ she asked a trifly wistfully , filling her lungs with cool fresh air and realising for the first time that the pavements were damp and it must have been raining .
4 You know , wake up on a Monday morning , with a bad hangover , and you think , oh my god , you know , what is life about , is it really worth going on ?
5 Yeah we 'll restrict it instead of going into the full year
6 ‘ We can do it either by going joint with somebody , or indeed by selling it , or in a variety of ways involving outside capital , ’ Sir Lewis explained .
7 He dealt with it either by going off on long trips or by challenging it and then an argument might erupt , ’ Jane explained .
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