Example sentences of "in [pron] the same " in BNC.

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1 The pagan philosophers have introduced cycles of time in which the same things are in the order of nature being restored and repeated , and have asserted that these whirlings of past and future ages will go on unceasingly … .
2 SOCIAL INSECTS are broadly divided into the presocial insects , in which the parents take care of their young , and the eusocial insects , in which the same applies , but the young grow up to take care of their parents and the next generation .
3 If we see a character walking along a path to cross the screen say from right to left , and if this shot is immediately followed by one in which the same person is walking along the path from left to right , the viewer 's natural assumption is that the walker has reversed direction and is now returning to his or her starting point .
4 It is the other in a hierarchically organized relationship in which the same is what rules , names , defines , and assigns ‘ its ’ other .
5 The objection therefore to totalization is not founded on any simple analogy with totalitarianism — though neither can this be excluded — but rather on the implicit violence of ontology itself , in which the same constitutes itself through a form of negativity in relation to the other , producing all knowledge by appropriating and sublating the other within itself .
6 It is easy to Find more simple language in which the same ideas might have been expressed in a more humdrum context : delay for procrastinate , for example , or pay for remuneration .
7 The result is certainly a change of meaning : The cat sat on the moss ; but in this case it is impossible to find a different sentence in which the same substitution of forms produces a parallel change of meaning .
8 ‘ conspired amongst themselves and others to defraud the plaintiffs , and with intent to injure the plaintiffs , by a scheme for extracting moneys from the plaintiffs by way of inflated valuations and percentage fees and commission payments based upon such inflated valuations and by otherwise exposing the plaintiffs to liabilities , and calculated to make a profit for themselves … and/or companies in which the same were interested … by false representations , including forged and/or fraudulently altered and/or concealed loan application documentation by [ the third defendant ] .
9 Owen introduced the term ‘ homology ’ to denote cases in which the same structure had been adapted to a range of different purposes .
10 The poetic canzone was a strophic form , like the musical frottola in which the same music was commonly fitted to each quatrain or tercet , carrying the words very distinctly but without reflecting their specific sense .
11 Compare this version with the following ( b ) in which the same final clause forms a complete sentence : ( 1 ) The document also blamed him ( 2 ) for having failed to disprove the charges .
12 I think of one particular school working with a scheme on " The World of Nature and Belief in God " in which the same slides were shown , the same background material given to teachers , and the same amount of time allowed for discussion in the four different classes of 9 – 10 year-olds , each of which was similar in composition with regard to ability and home background .
13 Although the result lacks the variety of texture claimed above for genuine Eckard , it happens to resemble closely the somewhat exceptional authentic but unascribed piece by that composer on p.100 , in which the same accompanimental figure runs almost uninterruptedly from beginning to end .
14 A well-made pension plan inspired in him the same emotions as an estate-bottled single-vineyard wine of a good year , and about the same amount of waffle .
15 These attitudes transposed easily to the Commonwealth point of view , class warfare and nationalist agitation both arousing in him the same confidently emollient response .
16 Young wheat especially , so pure and tender , woke in him the same emotion that he had when observing the face of a sleeping baby .
17 He that will consider that the same fire that at one distance produces in us the sensation of warmth , does at a nearer approach produce in us the far different sensation of pain , ought to bethink himself what reason he has to say , that his idea of warmth which was produced in him by the fire , is actually in the fire , and his idea of pain which the same fire produced in him the same way is not in the fire .
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