Example sentences of "and those that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Art schools have been closed down and those that survive are permitted only to the extent to which they have converted to a market economy .
2 The forests are dwindling , thousands of deer starve to death every winter , and those that survive to be shot by rich outsiders for the profit of absentee landlords are about half the size of their European cousins .
3 And those that survive , it says , are being used in uncessary experiments .
4 In very general terms there are , in development , three kinds of genes — those that control spatial organization , those that control change in form , and those that control cell differentiation .
5 The genes that control the virus 's ability to multiply come from the bird strain , and those that control the development of the virus 's antigens come from the human virus .
7 and then in the afternoon those that went round Cadburys are going round Rovers , and those that went round Rovers are going round Cadburys
8 Those cells that end up on the inside become inner cell mass and those that end up on the outside , the trophoblast .
9 Very broadly , the algorithms summarised here fall into three groups : those that optimise a parameter ; those that record numeric observations and extrapolate from them ; and those that use real numbers as weights , to choose between alternatives .
10 Additionally , says Millerand , elaborate Louis XIV furniture has a much narrower audience than later eighteenth-century styles , and those that like it may simply not have the space to accommodate such a very large piece of furniture .
11 To a large extent , Bolinger 's division between those adjectives that qualify referents and those that qualify sense is presented as if it were a classification of adjectives as word types , that is , as one might find them categorized in the dictionary , thereby giving an impression that Bolinger might regard this almost as a lexical division , similar to that dividing adjectives that can qualify animates from the rest .
12 ‘ Those that bring the inventor wealth and fame , and those that make a fortune for someone else , ’ he says .
13 She distinguishes between those models that treat hemisphere specialisation as absolute , according to which a given function can only be performed by a particular hemisphere , and those that regard specialisation as relative .
14 In a way they form a borderline between the cases discussed in the last section and those that follow .
15 Such an attitude underlies all of the strategy described in this chapter and those that follow .
16 They call it the Winter Game … and those that follow the form from Kelso to Kempton … from Wolverhampton to Wincanton reckon its the hardest game of all …
17 As Skinner ( 1985 ) points out , plants or clones derived from the parent plant are not always genetically identical and those that differ from the parent plant are known as somatic variants or ‘ sports ’ .
18 And those that had the Normandy pudding , ’ said Detective Constable Bewman , ‘ had the wine sauce that went with it . ’
19 This difference could not be explained by the distribution of either histological types or admission types between the erm sites that had less than one hundred cases and those that had more than one hundred cases .
20 Relatively few cases had come to court , and those that had , the court had tended to take a restrictive interpretation of the crucial words .
21 Herzen observed a " sharp and remarkable " difference between essays he received from Russia in 1856 and those that had arrived in 1855 .
22 The only ‘ foreign ’ Protestant churches in which Laud took any real interest were those in Charles 's other kingdoms of Scotland and Ireland , and those that served the American colonists and the English émigrés in Holland .
23 Only Apprentice Scribes were obliged to make pilgrimage to this unique seat of wisdom , and those that returned never spoke of it .
24 If people understood formal legislation as only a matter of negotiated solutions to discrete problems , with no underlying commitment to any more fundamental public conception of justice , they would draw a sharp distinction between two kinds of encounters with fellow citizens : those that fall within and those that fall outside the scope of some past political decision .
25 Immuno-histochemical tests showed that animals treated with capsaicin apparently lost all the substance P from the ganglia ( cell clusters ) containing sensory nerve cells ; those that had received NGF alone had even more substance P than untreated control animals , and those that received both had fewer cell bodies containing substance P , but such cells as they had stained more strongly for substance P than those in controls .
26 Not every act of consent succeeds in doing so , and those that succeed do so because they fall under reasons , not themselves created by consent , that show why acts of consent should , within certain limits , be a way of creating rights and duties .
27 And those that die will be the lucky ones ! ’
28 This discussion has distinguished between policies that ministers can enact with relatively slight implications for their own departments and those that require elaborate departmental involvement .
29 A further development that users of the Z-Score technique find helpful in its use as a diagnostic tool is a breakdown of the component ratios of the model in an appropriate manner to highlight which aspects of the firm 's financial profile are strong and those that require attention .
30 The interesting finding of the study , which you did not mention , was that there were differences in pre-buyout performance between companies that successfully underwent LBOs and those that failed .
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