Example sentences of "and [noun] [conj] have " in BNC.

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1 Official encouragement , genuine popularity and a sense of purpose helped further heal the self-doubt and hesitation that had previously constrained British filmmakers .
2 Because making the material itself is a lot harder than turning it into a rudimentary bomb , it is the tight control of plutonium and uranium that has until now restricted the spread of nuclear weapons .
3 He has decided not to appeal against his conviction and sentence and has pledged to renew his contacts with the PLO immediately upon his release from prison .
4 The coeliac patients were originally diagnosed according to the procedure recommended by the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition and had all been on a complete gluten free diet for at least five years and did not present symptoms indicative of active disease .
5 He has already paid a brief visit to Middlesbrough and Hull and has been briefed in general terms on the hopes and needs of our diocese .
6 The same names and groups that have already featured in the discussion of the provincial press therefore appear again as owners of local radio .
7 After the president 's office had released his controversial decree without any reference to a ‘ special order ’ of rule — the provision that had most alarmed the legislature — observers said it was not clear whether he had revised the decree to meet the demands of the Constitutional Court and parliament or had exaggerated its harshness in his weekend speech .
8 She went to bed in her own room , still full of pictures and possessions that had belonged to a previous and vanished Phoebe .
9 Susan had evidently found some coal and sticks and had lit the range ; then the heat had overcome her , and she had toppled over — and her jumper had caught fire .
10 Before William 's men could reload , or fix their old-fashioned plug-in bayonets , the enemy were upon them , fearsome in their kilts and ferociously wielding the dirks , claymores and broadswords that had always been the clansmen 's favoured weapons .
11 That he had a thumb in many pies was undeniable : he served as sheriff in both Surrey and Sussex and had been appointed to head a commission examining the revenues of the confiscated estates of George Duke of Clarence , the king 's brother .
12 There have been a number of other reformulations and reinterpretations that have done less violence to Mannheim 's legacy than did the early sociological and philosophical responses .
13 We went on to talk about the articles in Time and Tide that had so provoked Rebecca West , and Father D'Arcy observed how , in dealing with ‘ difficult ’ correspondents , it was important to strike the right note in replying .
14 By dint of some speedy alterations by Taheb 's dressmaker , Huy was able to wear a kilt and shirt that had belonged to Taheb 's late husband , his friend Amotju .
15 These are just some of the facilities and expertise that have been made available to industry .
16 Deer cause habitat degradation , attacking forestry and agriculture and have an adverse effect on wildlife generally .
17 The commentator 's ingenuous query could just as well have been prompted , however , by an unrelated but somehow symptomatic display of the insensitivity and obstinacy that have come to be regarded as part of Kohl 's character .
18 Pat has been involved with sport all her life , is qualified to coach Lawn Tennis and Badminton and has experience of sports administration at competitive and recreational levels .
19 Dating from the 14th century , the house still retains its original great hall , chapel and crypt and has a major exhibition on conservation .
20 Intra-aortal 5HT , given at the same dose and route as had induced acceleration of ICJ transit , failed to significantly alter baseline absorption found during the ia infusion of saline ( Fig 3 ) .
21 Despite all the hype , hate and hysteria that has gone before , something magical and mysterious can still be heard shuffling around in the dark , and this celebration is the spotlight that picks it out .
22 It is also essential to place these contrasting perceptions in the context of attitudes towards independence , autonomy and responsibility that have developed throughout the disability career .
23 BR plans more through services to Worcester and Hereford and has forecast a thirty per cent increase in passengers .
24 It is referred here to the Dryopithecinae and it includes three groups : ( 1 ) Dryopithecus itself in tribe Dryopithecini ; ( 2 ) a newly proposed tribe , Afropithecini with Afropithecus , Heliopithecus and Otavipithecus , together with material from Maboko Island and Nachola that has been referred in the past to Kenyapithecus ; and ( 3 ) the Kenyapithecini , which includes Kenyapithecus wickeri from Fort Ternan , Griphopithecus alpani from Pasalar , Turkey , and the postcrania from Klein Hadersdorf .
25 In theory , but not in practice , we have shed instrumentalist notions on the relationship between communication and change and have reassessed the roles of technology .
26 One of the murderers was wearing Mxenge 's jacket and watch and had his wallet .
27 A.Berlin , for example , affirms that " there is no qualitative difference between the so-called " fixed " pairs and pairs that have not so been labelled .
28 Both bodies have been able to comment on draft PPGs and MPGs and have secured a number of improvements to their content .
29 One of the major trusts in Grampian is seeking £1.5m to develop contract setting and monitoring and has given a contract to a firm of management consultants to handle contracting issues with fundholders .
30 In 1933 it first appeared in its present format , accompanied by the slim one-volume Supplement which added quotations , words , and meanings that had come to the editors ' attention after the publication of the relevant part of the Dictionary .
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