Example sentences of "and [noun] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 By the end of the decade it was Gloucester , not the bishop , who dominated the region and contemporaries knew it .
2 By the end of the decade it was Gloucester , not the bishop , who dominated the region and contemporaries knew it .
3 Galileo had already opened the door to natural philosophy , and Hobbes supposed he was following Gilbert , Kepler , Gassendi , Harvey , and Mersenne , through it .
4 We made the camp and Melanie shot me a smile as she jumped out .
5 He had a winging moustache and a goatee beard but he moved tentatively , uncertainly , and Melanie guessed it was Finn who worked him .
6 And he could put from him the treacherous suspicion that their first meeting had been contrived , part of a plan devised by her and Pascoe to exploit his influence with Hilary .
7 We assumed they had taken care of the details and Ayling and Pascoe believed everything was all right . ’
8 But as they walked towards the car park , buttoning up their coats against the frost , footsteps came up quickly behind and Pascoe joined them .
9 At a speed that neither could match Louisa and Horrocks saw him hasten back down the lake .
10 They were all wearing the special white clothes and hats to protect their faces and bodies , and they were all holding scanners .
11 Enjoys travelling and nightlife- Let me be your knight in shining armour .
12 He contrasted these with the force of the wild where ‘ man is made unwillingly acquainted with his own weakness , and meditation shows him how little he can sustain , and how little he can perform ’ .
13 If this solution were not efficient we would have , for some ( x 1 , x 2 , … , x n ) , and multiplying the first of these by W K and the remainder by w k and summing gives which would contradict the assumed optimality of ( x 1 * , … , x n ) .
14 Navratilova had watched in awe as Evert opened up the rain-delayed Federation Cup semi-final between the United States and Czechoslovakia to set her team on the way to a 2-0 victory .
15 Without saying anything further , Millie turned and went back into the house ; and Ben followed her , there to see Aggie shambling into the room , and although her eyes looked full of sleep , their powers of discernment were indeed wide awake .
16 And Ben raised his eyebrows as Aggie looked at him .
17 He was based in London and Ben felt he would be sympathetic to the subject .
18 Ben ! ’ he called , and Ben stuck his head out of a cubicle .
19 They are … the people whose position and activities enable them to fuse and mediate both neighbourhood involvement and social services care …
20 The vertical columns of Table 10.2 represent the department providing the resources and the horizontal rows the projects and activities using them .
21 The Hippocratic oath does not permit professionals to find a peg in class , cast , colour , and creed to hang our deficiencies .
22 ‘ We should be there in an hour , ’ Molly said , ‘ and Jacqueline says she wants to stop . ’
23 Karen thought of Tony , and Jessica knew it from her face .
24 She sat down to rage silently but in spite of every effort to work herself up rage would not come and honesty forced her to face facts .
25 If this is the case I hope that it has the courage and honesty to admit it .
26 She had stopped her tears with the heel of her hand , and face-paint smeared it .
27 When it 's all over around 2am , the crew celebrate with a drink or five upstairs , and Michaela tells us she 's just signed a record deal with London Records .
28 A seminar tonight held by Belfast educational psychologists Mary Blease and Bridgeen O'Neill is the first in a series of measures by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers to help their members cope .
29 Gradually it passed ; the great wave ebbed , and she became aware of Fand and Liban climbing shakily back to their feet , and Fincara screaming something at them .
30 The Woman gave him one look and then switched off the light and Doyle settled himself in the chair and sat silently in the shadows .
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