Example sentences of "and [that] it is " in BNC.

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1 The government has at last acknowledged that ‘ disappearances ’ do take place and that it is a problem which needs addressing , and Amnesty International expects to be submitting cases for investigation by the Commission .
2 By now Kapuscinski is on his ‘ last legs ’ , and he telexes Warsaw to say that he wants to leave and that it is ‘ more or less clear ’ that ‘ the Angolans will win ’ .
3 Members of the Association de Restauratrices Cuisinières ( ARC ) , a body of lady chefs , are working hard to prove that it exists and that it is a vital component of French cooking today .
4 The whys and wherefores of these procedures need to be explained to students , otherwise they might conclude that proper parking is not really important and that it is alright to leave a glider with either wing down .
5 However , if you are correcting for drift with one wing well down , and then the cable breaks , you may find that you have already turned quite a long way , and that it is easier to keep that turn going if you can not get down ahead .
6 The solution to ‘ He was not really afraid of any landlady ’ might appear to be that we have here a masked first-person avowal , and that it is simply an indication of Dostoevsky 's boldness that it should be surrounded by authorial statements which are firmly outside and ( so to say ) on top of Raskolnikov in the classical omniscient third-person mode : for example , information about his poverty , irritable frame of mind , withdrawal from society , his ‘ not naturally timorous and abject ’ disposition .
7 I conclude that Ford 's ‘ critical act ’ was indeed ( by and large , always by and large ) the most important of the first half of this century , and that it is , moreover , irreversible .
8 There is growing , matter-of-fact , support for the proposition that significantly greater public investment in schools and colleges , in roads , railways and on the environment would be money productively spent , and that it is only the damaging and doctrinaire intransigence of Mrs Thatcher which obstructs such expenditure .
9 Moreover the Politburo can argue both that political pluralism is no panacea for economic problems , and that it is much easier to apply in Poland than in the vast multi-ethnic Soviet empire .
10 On the other hand , a pro-rights clergyman suggested that it is our traditional despotic treatment of the non-human creation which has been truly infantile , and that it is only in this century that we have begun to grow up a little .
11 What apparently made all the difference to the price was that the clock came from a historic house , Cassiobury Park , and that it is illustrated in an important book on the craftsman — Thomas Tompion , His Life and Work by R W Symonds .
12 Perhaps this reflects no more than the elevation of masculinity that permeates the canteen culture of the station , but the view that nothing busy happens in the unit and that it is an ‘ easy turn ’ is a sad reflection on how the marginalization of policewomen 's duties has divorced some policemen from the reality of sex crimes .
13 We recognise that logically this demands a transfer of resources and effort from the former to the latter , that in the words I have so often quoted , some social services are ‘ excessive ’ and others ‘ inadequate ’ — that it was bound to be so and that it is so .
14 The 1989 policy review has made it clear that complete renationalization of privatized industries will not be a high priority for a future Labour government , that direct taxation will not be increased for those on average and slightly above average incomes , and that it is ‘ concerned ’ about law and order .
15 Mr Prokhorov said that the answer to the contradiction between political renewal and economic crisis lay in Marxism , which ‘ teaches us that the superstructure is more mobile than the base , and that it is the first to react to a change of conditions . ’
16 I believe that God 's forgiveness is one of the most blessed and therapeutic experiences and that it is offered to all who seek it …
17 But I have been in regular contact with Ali Bacher and he assures me there are no problems over the tour and that it is definitely on . ’
18 The Palestinians do , however , acknowledge signs of change for the better in US Jewry , Congress and the Administration , and that it is up to themselves to push them forward in much more effective ways than they have managed hitherto .
19 I have heard that the house is inhabited , and that it is now a farmhouse ; but not a human being in sight anywhere near it ; the ploughmen have left the fields , the farm buildings are deserted .
20 Analysts reckon AT&T has invested $2 billion in its computer division since its birth , and that it is still losing $200m a year .
21 Whites need to recognise that blacks can not hope to prosper in any numbers while they are confined to ghettos of crime , poverty and lousy schools , and that it is society 's duty to do something about it .
22 I think that this psychological change is in accordance with social developments and that it is accompanied by an increasing tendency of women towards masculinity .
23 We may be handling a horse and get a feeling that we are in tune with the horse and that it is accepting and even anticipating whatever we want to do : we are in rapport with the horse , and are communicating with the horse but in a way that is not through the other senses .
24 Well , perhaps this is a few too many , but he knows after many years ' experience that he can ask for this and that it is necessary .
25 To take a simple example : if we assume that the force of gravity permeates the whole material universe and that it is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between any two atoms anywhere , then two interesting propositions arise .
26 The title may give the totally misleading impression that only chemical engineers will find it interesting and that it is simply concerned with refineries and chemical plants .
27 It is generally accepted that people are motivated by success and that it is often easier to work towards realistic short-term targets .
28 I believe this is true , and that it is a major gain from the televising of Parliament .
29 I therefore think that [ the ] motion is out of place at this time and that it is proposed for a certain purpose .
30 To say that one copy is sufficient and that it is probably available at the British Library is good enough grounds for an organisation such as Brent Library to throw out books that are ideologically unsound , as unquestionably it did .
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