Example sentences of "and [adv] look [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No industry can function effectively without a work force which is content and properly looked after .
2 ‘ No industry can function effectively without a work force which is content and properly looked after .
3 I 'm not sure whether that 's true , I mean I think the argument er in this particular case is about the amount of money which a particular area of the Department of Social Security can operate , and presumably looking at this , Nichola Scott will have to er match up if you like the total quantity and make sure it 's effectively allocated .
4 Now they were going through another door and into a different kind of room , and this room caused the child to stop and slowly look about her .
5 M. and Mme. Wastiaux , whom many of you will remember from the Easter Course at Avery Hill , do much of the organising and besides looking after me very well attend all the movement classes .
6 The first order of meaning is available to participants but the second order of signification is a ‘ hidden ’ level of meaning in that it is not readily available to participants ( who might believe striptease to be erotic ) and needs to be generated by an analyst who knows that it is there and so looks for it .
7 Therefore , they were left with the option of investing millions of pounds or closing them , and perhaps looking at the building of a new reactor .
8 The , they really convert bibles for doing that is because I 've always done that of er right that 's , that 's out of the way , jump the paperwork , now what about talking about your clubs and that t to sort of close down the call and relax the client for getting into referral mode and I 've always done it tail end on so the introduction to the referral is at the beginning and perhaps looking for them during i is totally unfamiliar , I mean I do note the odd thing as I go through and note them down on the , the but I 'd never been used to actually although we were told referrals how and why that went with it .
9 I mean if the evaluation suggests that something or other needs changing , then you want people to be already so interested in the evaluation and perhaps looking for useful things to come out of it , that they are already half committed to the changes .
10 He let me go , and only looked at me .
11 He rightly points out that we need more ladies toilets and if you know you get the chance to use the ladies loo it 's cleaner and better looked after than the men 's , I 've heard .
12 It 's like a a wooden box with a glass lid and inside looks like perspex , is that right , perspex wheels
13 There was one vehicle there , a car with two figures sitting in the front seats and apparently looking at the road ahead of them .
14 At present , however , there is only limited British research available on such issues and much looks at only parts of the process .
15 African tree hoppers gather in groups at the top of plant stems and together look like a spike of withered flowers .
16 Two days later , after a peaceful voyage , we disembarked at Calais — a dreadful place , England 's last foothold in France , nothing more than a glorified fortress packed with men-at-arms and archers , who staggered the streets in their boiled leather jerkins , drinking in the many ale houses and generally looking for trouble .
17 This room has six comfortable-looking armchairs with coarse horsehair covers , carpets , pleasant wall hangings , and generally looks like a plush — if exceedingly dusty — lounge .
18 We are quite keen to look at equity options , debt equity swaps er perhaps talk a to the government about an extension of the business expansion scheme , specifically into manufacturing industry er and generally look for innovative solutions , persuade to customers to take loans out instead of overdrafts .
19 The harshness of those living-conditions , with the special emphasis on working-class housewives having to feed , clothe and generally look after a large family , was reflected by the lower standards of living , the deprivations all around , widespread poverty , with few families ever having experienced the beneficial effects of a holiday in the country or at the sea-side .
20 The researchers meet the guests first , and generally look after them from the time they arrive to the time they leave .
21 Our parents teach us how to eat , dress , wash , and generally look after ourselves .
22 They find it very difficult to cook for themselves , shop for themselves and generally look after themselves in all the ways that we would accept as being quite normal .
23 ‘ She has overcome the family hurdle and already looking like the daughter-in-law . ’
24 He brought with him a bottle of his own herbal remedy for fevers and scarcely looked at the baby before worrying about his fee .
25 Head down , they race to departments , charge at the shelves and scarcely look at the price before stampeding to the cash tills .
26 they announce in the room we are from video such and such , you know and just looked at me , this black man explained everything to everybody else and then the guy went over and sat down and explained it all again just blind
27 I mean one day , I mean I was in a customer care meeting for three hours on Monday , so obviously I lost some there , but you know , that particular day I was on a , just on the phone personally on my B M S for just over three hours , and just looking at the other things that I had to deal with .
28 O K. It seems to me that and just looking at human nature something is that right ?
29 She 's got seven million quid , and just look at her face .
30 And just look at the problems which had faced poor Candide .
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