Example sentences of "and [noun pl] make [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The wide availability of Cervelat in supermarkets and delicatessens makes it one of the most popular of charcuterie products and one that will not offend even the most conservative of palates .
2 This was busy with carts and pack-horses making their way into Edinburgh , bringing in the products from both port and countryside to be sold at the markets .
3 The vast majority of the black sportsmen have aspirations of detaching themselves from the routines of school , employment — or unemployment — and wringing out a career in sports , even athletics , ostensibly an amateur sport but bountiful enough in ‘ gifts ’ and sponsorships to make it a lucrative career .
4 ‘ I would like to see players and coaches making it their priority .
5 Poulson and Associates made it clear that they were not a ‘ financial development company ’ but that they could locate a suitable such investor for the scheme .
6 On Monday , May 31 , and Tuesday , June 1 there will be pottery workshops where visitors will be able to use genuine Roman techniques and designs to make their own Ante-fix ( and to find out what an Ante-fix is you will have to go along ) .
7 Party members and supporters make their legitimate contributions to NAP campaigns .
8 Thinking of our dead parents and brothers makes us determined to continue to fight against this repressive government .
9 What makes it look all the more daft is that they will often have to wear the same number tabard all the way through , which over top hat and tails makes them look like someone wearing his vest over his dinner jacket .
10 Her appetite for life , boundless energy and numerous gifts and graces made her an all-round person .
11 And the wide range of economical cooking methods and equally wide range of colours and styles make it easy to choose the right oven for you .
12 It is tempting to fantasise that leaders and parties make their reputations through finely tuned arguments in the House of Commons or speeches in far-flung halls .
13 Before the advent of swimfeeders and the preoccupation with maggots , casters and hempseed , anglers used a variety of baits and methods to make their catches .
14 Coatings used to have separate plants in each country , because local tariffs and duties made it too costly to import .
15 But by 1870 even larger ships and cargoes made it necessary to create a new port , or outport , at Avonmouth .
16 Her sunburnt skin and her rough hands and feet made her poor .
17 Not all Heroes are nobles by any means — some are ordinary folk whose outstanding abilities and deeds makes them the equal of any other hero on the battlefield .
18 Not all Heroes are nobles by any means , some are ordinary folk whose outstanding abilities and deeds makes them the equal of any other Hero on the battlefield .
19 Decisions are taken and appointments made which rate , at best , a paragraph in the more serious newspapers .
20 Andréew Fisher had been another contemporary from Sydney and an ability to write , a law degree , and a background in student papers and films made him a choice to handle much of the business side .
21 A tall chimney above the heating plant and workshops made it look rather like a factory under guard .
22 Grosvenor 's speeches and writings make it possible to reconstruct his political views in considerable detail .
23 You had a bath , and some time around ten-thirty went down to the kitchen wearing your dressing-gown and slippers to make yourself a mug of Ovaltine .
24 Administrative axe falls most heavily on the centre as its size is pared down ; economic axe falls most heavily on the less efficient , as unemployment and bankruptcies make their first appearance .
25 And now backpain week has been designated by doctors and osteopaths to make us more aware of the problem .
26 Attempts to further the degree of contact between field and headquarters staff through more extensive reporting , and efforts to make their job more ‘ scientific ’ in their view merely restrict their occupational freedom .
27 It certainly was n't fun any more , and efforts to make it appear so seemed hollow . ’
28 Not least , the absence of any serious rationing of consumer goods , and the large number of exemptions from military service for skilled workers and farmers made it appear that the regime was well in control of developments , did not fear a war on the 1914–18 scale , and was even rather generous in its provisioning arrangements .
29 Du Maurier 's atmospheric and often sinister novels and stories made her a worldwide bestseller , while she herself remained reclusive and deeply private .
30 Thursday could be a tiresome time thanks to the problems and difficulties making your neighbourhood a miserable place .
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