Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly the tabular method of presenting results does not show them in the best light and the use of graphs would have made them much more accessible .
2 If , if your , if your total turnover was sixteen thousand , then the inspector of taxes would want from you an account which shows how your fifteen thou sixteen thousand has been arrived at , who 's paid you this money because he looks at those and he checks their accounts to see they 've received it obviously , that 's what it is , and wh how is your five thousand pounds made up .
3 Excess mortgage allowance schemes which have the approval of the Inspector of Taxes may provide tax-free payments to employees under the Inland Revenue 's Statement of Practice ( see Chapter 6 ) .
4 But the British Nuclear Forum warns that thousands of Russians would die of hypothermia if the country 's nuclear capacity , which provides 15 per cent of total electricity needs , were to belost .
5 These were problems that no single group of states could resolve by itself ; and there were many others .
6 He also ventured a definition of hegemony , ‘ the totality of all laws and other arrangements by means of which the leading power of a union of states can give the community the desired direction and the stamp of its own spirit .
7 To the extent that these arenas support and acknowledge people 's feelings and their search for greater clarity , they must presuppose a set of values that is different from the one which underlies the common staffroom ethos ; and after a while this clash of values may become explicit .
8 Most sets of values would give rise to universes that , although they might be very beautiful , would contain no one able to wonder at that beauty .
9 The scale of values used to draw a graph is very important if you are to read it accurately , Look at the same advertising graphs again , this time both are drawn to the same scale .
10 The hon. Member 's limited range of adjectives will have been noted by everyone in the House .
11 The questions which our proposal can usefully address are : ( i ) Will it lead to any discriminating predictions about observable data which differ from what would be expected under the assumption that postnominals are simply normal attributive adjectives ? ( ii ) How might our claim relate to the characteristics of postnominal attributives discussed in Sections 3.5 to 3.7 ? ( iii ) Can it cast any light in particular on the fact that only a subset of adjectives can occur as postnominal attributives ?
12 The use of experts should become part of the organisational culture — with emphasis on the building of expert teams if possible , ( ie. ‘ two heads are better than one ’ ) .
13 Send your queries to The Artist and our team of experts will do their best to help
14 A team of experts will visit India in April to assess implementation of the conditions , and the decision to continue funding for the project will then be reviewed .
15 The provision of reasons will increase an expert 's vulnerability to claims , because the details of the workings and calculations may be the very evidence that would otherwise be lacking .
16 However , to raise the same revenue by concentrating all the tax on one particular product or narrow range of products would change its relative price . ’
17 BCG also argued that a company with a balanced portfolio of products would use cash flows generated from the cash cows to invest in selected problem children , which would be built up to become the stars of the future .
18 If you suffer from dry skin conditions the E45 range of products will provide excellent , effective skin care .
19 The discussion will fall into two parts : an examination , first , of the sort of information that can be gleaned from a study of individual coins , and , second , of how the study of groups of coins can throw light on contemporary propaganda .
20 Also , the spread of investments will reduce the impact of individual companies ' corporate insolvencies .
21 Please note that benefits can not be guaranteed and that the value of investments can go down as well as up .
22 In the same way , the electronic spectra of molecules can give information about their electronic structures , and have helped to establish our present understanding of chemical bonding in molecules .
23 Stereospecificity , or shape-specificity , is the hallmark of biochemistry and even small changes in the shapes of molecules can have profound effects throughout the body .
24 ‘ Anti-spray ’ as the new bill will be known , hinges on three conditions : the producers of aerosols must manufacture only soluble sprays and solvents capable of removing paint ; heavy penalties will be introduced for those caught , and there will be higher taxes on aerosol paints sold for non-commercial reasons .
25 A full list of projects will appear in JFIT News and also in the 1991 JFIT Annual report due to be published in October .
26 With so much team research these days it is inevitable that directors of projects must rely on their assistants to produce satisfactory data .
27 The combination of pre-coordinate indexing of subject headings and the post-coordinate indexing of keywords can cause much confusion for the searcher .
28 It is difficult now to imagine the splendour which the vast incrustation of ornaments must have presented to the eye by the time the church was complete .
29 Housing authorities have a general duty to house ‘ vulnerable ’ people but a recent survey by the National Children 's Home found that only 50 per cent of authorities would classify as vulnerable a young homeless person with no parents and no support .
30 In which case , the purpose of authorities may need clarification and reinforcement by ministers .
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