Example sentences of "be then [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The blood cells and plasma are then remixed and returned to the patient , who is conscious throughout .
2 This development will be in conjunction with a member of staff of the Enterprise Centre so that ‘ revised ’ Enterprise statements are then completed and approved within a date set by the Validation/Review Panel .
3 The senses of each word within the paragraph carrying this domain code are then selected as being correct , in favour of alternative senses not bearing this code .
4 No erm they are then authorised and issued with an authorisation card following the successful completion of the course to carry a firearm on police duties if required er , the authorisation is issued by either the Chief Constable or er his deputy and that would enable the officer if required to go an armoury at one of the police stations and produce his card and be issued with a weapon if necessary .
5 Supply estimates are then prepared and form the basis on which a supply resolution(s) is normally passed before the end of July .
6 Second , those who report the presence of such a condition are then asked if it limits their activities in any way .
7 Those who respond yes are then asked if this has upset them ‘ a bit ’ , ‘ a lot ’ or ‘ unbearably ’ .
8 The information officers work in small teams , drafting and editing specific items , and items are then checked and tested for accuracy and accessibility by bureaux , government departments , specialists and outside agencies .
9 ( A number of writers have seen ‘ projection ’ as involved in the problem of masculinity , and have suggested that men may sometimes project their own fears of such things as emotional intimacy on to women , who are then seen as ‘ bad ’ because they cause these problems . )
10 The estimates made by each salesperson for his or her territory are then aggregated and reviewed by regional and head office sales managers , marketing managers associated with particular products or brands , and advertising staff .
11 The target zones are then overlain and the interpolated value is transferred into the zones .
12 Its main thrust was that challenges to the order and stability of bourgeois hegemony in the social sphere are then registered as challenges to order and stability , first as content and then as form , in the aesthetic sphere .
13 Second pass , the contents of the new package are then obtained and the modules it contains are entered .
14 The hole distances are then given but bear no resemblance to the course as opened 18 months later .
15 The hip scores of both parents are then given and all this information is published in the Club magazine , not only to assist people in the purchase of quality puppies , but also for the general information and education of members .
16 Two urethral injections of argyrol ( 10% ) are then given and retained five minutes .
17 Examples of criteria which might be used in a graduated test scheme are then given and are discussed in relation to test items .
18 A series of interviews is carried out to clarify relevant factors about the organisation , which are then analysed and illustrated in a rich picture .
19 These electrical pulses are then analysed and used to produce detailed pictures of a patient 's internal organs .
20 These electrical pulses are then analysed and used to produce detailed pictures of a patient 's internal organs .
21 Eggs escape under the bursa of the male and are carried up the trachea in the excess mucus produced in response to infection : they are then swallowed and passed in the faeces .
22 In percutaneous infection , larvae migrate via the blood stream to the lungs where they moult to L4 in the bronchi and trachea , and are then swallowed and pass to the small intestine where the final moult occurs .
23 The conjectured hypotheses are then criticized and tested .
24 These parameters are then saved or stored as patches , or presets .
25 Tests on working class black people are then cited as evidence that in oral contexts education is by demonstration and is ‘ totally dependent on the concrete physical situation ’ ( ibid . ) .
26 The patient and family are then helped and supported by their General Practitioner and community nurses .
27 These actions are then triggered when a module enters that state .
28 Historical evidence suggests that relief arrangements are initiated or expanded during the occasional outbreaks of civil disorder produced by mass unemployment , and are then abolished or contracted when political stability is restored … this view clearly belies the popular supposition that government social policies , including relief policies , are becoming progressively more responsible , humane and generous .
29 They are then reactivated and , still as L3 , are passed in the milk of the bitch for a period of about three weeks after whelping .
30 Social factors are then suggested as somehow additional to this essentially technical breakthrough : ‘ The extensive diffusion of the alphabet in Greece was also materially assisted by various social , economic and technological factors ’ ( ibid. p. 41 ) ( my emphasis ) .
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