Example sentences of "of [noun] or [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Overall , readers of highbrow papers were less likely to allege bias in their own paper than readers of middlebrow or lowbrow papers but the differences were surprisingly small .
2 In accepting Murav'ev 's proposals the regime made plain that , although it had just committed itself firmly to the emancipation of the serfs ( in the Nazimov Rescript ) , it was not yet prepared to adopt the principle of decentralization or to move towards provincial self-government .
3 Kingdon 's ideas may seem like a recipe for environmental determinism , but the link drawn between a recent origin for humans and the fundamentally local nature of adaptation means that his book is also a powerful indictment of any attempt to rank human populations in terms of progress or to see the evolution of human races as anything other than short-term responses to particular problems .
4 According to a report in the Montreal Gazette the statues had been ‘ tampered with ’ in this way on several occasions , and the newspaper felt that they should be raised beyond the reach of pranksters or removed to an inside guarded site .
5 These sorts of rule-breaking are amenable to strategies of correction or control in a way that most forms of isolated crime can not be .
6 Interestingly , the largest structure in this formulation is not the exchange or transaction of the Birmingham School analyses , but a claim by one speaker which gives rise to fixed possibilities for moves of support or counter claim , in patterns referred to as context spaces .
7 They 'll be able to fish for carp in the estate lake ; view the famous hall with its unique flying staircase … so-called because it has no visible means of support or wander throught the wood that the Lonsdales planted in memory of their son .
8 Senior officers may also impose such conditions as a change of route or starting time in the interests of public order .
9 Reduction in costs of scrap or re-working
10 The 1977–81 material is thought to be essentially complete , except for the exclusion of 12% who had a previous history of malignancy or had undergone gastric surgery or who were given the drug for another diagnosis than a peptic ulcer related disease .
11 The year is full of changes on the home front , which can imply moving your base of operations or experiencing rather a lot of comings and goings within the family .
12 An SBU or divisional manager will be motivated to seek appropriate investments if he knows clearly what the generic strategy for his SBU is ( he would presumably have participated in determining it ) , is aware of what is expected of him in terms of building or maintaining competitive strengths , and knows that early-warning indicators will be set up to monitor how his investments are contributing to the improvement or maintenance of those specific strengths .
13 There had been earlier instances of co-ordination or control by the dramatist or by the composer .
14 It is well established that a public law decision by a local authority may be open to challenge by way of defence or counterclaim to an action brought by the local authority in the High Court or the county court , notwithstanding the fact that if the defendant had sought to begin the proceedings he would have had to do so by way of judicial review : see Wandsworth London Council v. Winder [ 1985 ] A.C. 461 .
15 Looking at the act of speaking in a broader way , we can see that intonation can signal to the listener what is to be taken as ‘ new ’ information and what is already ‘ given ’ , can suggest when the speaker is indicating some sort of contrast or link with material in another tone-unit and , in conversation , can convey to the listener what kind of response is expected .
16 Some rejected entirely any talk of self-government or treating the Ukrainians as an oppressed people .
17 Next , check that the pins are clean and bright ; clean any that show signs of discolouration or charring with wire wool ( an old Brillo pad is ideal ) .
18 As I walked out of another final-year class at fox Primary , the pupils were building complex models out of balsawood or working on the theories of gearing with big pieces of plastic Meccano .
19 Similar proposals continued to be made in various forms in the second half of the century , though none was elaborated in as much detail as that of Saint-Pierre or attracted as much attention .
20 There were no paintings of musicians or dancing girls or peasants treading grapes here .
21 The result of these tests will determine , for example , depth of foundations or need for special design such as raft construction or piles , problems associated with high water table for both foundations and drainage , need for de-watering , sulphate content of the soil and need to use sulphate-resistant cement .
22 She spread a towel out on the sand and sat down but , disappointed and now frightened at her own temerity , Liza began to panic , scarcely noticing Celia when she came staggering towards her , dragging slimy bits of seaweed or producing pebbles and shells in her small fat hand .
23 Considering himself throughout a true Catholic , Henry had been reluctant to enter into close association with foreign Protestant states , and when political necessity had induced him to consider allying with the German Lutheran princes in the 1530s , he had adamantly refused to accept their confession of faith or to view them as co-religionists .
24 Although there was no dramatic change in their circumstances — no fear of eviction or drop in their standard of living — Constance felt rudderless .
25 The session starts around 2pm when the old faithfuls sit back and wallow in nostalgia as they listen to their favourite bands and singers Chick Henderson is always high on the list of course or dance to the records , spinning at 78rpm .
26 If the promise was not met , could the employee use the mail message as s/he would a postal mail letter to sue for breach of contract or to support other legal action ?
27 In the event of non-compliance , in English law , an action can be brought for breach of contract or tort up to six years after the date of the event , as laid down in the Limitation Act 1980. [ 1 ] Documents that originate through the existence of the contract and evidence the events arising under the contract should therefore be maintained for that six year period .
28 Use the runny kind of honey or mix some water with the stiffer kind to make it runny .
29 Above all , research of the kind described above is informative and helpful in some ways as a tool for looking with some objectivity at children 's writing ; but it does not isolate areas of difficulty or suggest teaching strategies to promote more effective writing .
30 They can be added to stir-fry vegetables at the end of cooking or served as an accompaniment .
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