Example sentences of "of [noun] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The man of unity possesses no rivals for the very meaning of unity is to be at one with all men and all things .
2 If any sense of unity is to be preserved it must be created by the historians who tell the story .
3 This new form of Unity was to be concerned with foreign policy issues , virtually to the exclusion of the domestic policies contained in the original Unity Manifesto .
4 I have asked LRDA , per Paul Furbank , to try and find out what the state of play is with Service Inns Ltd .
5 The aim of assessment is to :
6 The importance of ISDN is as the foundation for the entire model ; the single , standard interface through which all the rest will be provided : ‘ Our model says that this guy needs one interface ’ , says Corris , then he can decide when making a call that he wants to use certain intelligent aspects of the network , he can say ‘ I need another channel …
7 This interpretation of the universal direction of progress is of course in keeping with the more liberal Victorian assumptions .
8 Its defenders claim that to create the impression of progress is in itself a vital part of crisis management .
9 The most accessible way of progress was through education , for most people had very little money and men were prepared to study in the early morning and late at night during a long week 's work — 10 hours a day for five days and five hours on Saturdays .
10 The most striking absence of progress was in economic policy .
11 The wider issue of the extent to which the judiciary may naturally favour certain types of values is outside the scope of this book .
12 The process of internalization of values was of major importance to Parsonian theory , for it provided a link between the culture shared by members of a society and the individual 's motivation for action .
13 All power , all profits , all our sources of livelihood are in their hands — but the one thing they leave behind will destroy them — the hatred of a million coolies !
14 Their main line of support is through the day centre manager .
15 Labour 's traditional bedrock of support is among the working classes as exemplified by the trade unions .
16 The inter-war years saw a good deal of activity in North Shields by the local branch of the National Unemployed Workers Movement ( NUWM ; see CDP , 1978 ) , whose main base of support was on the Meadowell .
17 In fact , an examinations of historical documentation ( real-time evidence ) suggests that the direction of change is towards raising .
18 This pattern of change is by no means exceptional in the fossil record ( see , for example , Gould & Calloway , 1980 ) .
19 Where these agents of change were in accord with each other , and where some at least of them were directly engaged in the deeper levels of the everyday classroom practice of the teachers concerned , significant change tended to follow .
20 First , the barrier is often a lack of theological understanding that the Spirit-filled life as described in the book of Acts is to be anticipated as the experience of believers today .
21 The book of Acts is about the spread of Christianity after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus , through the giving of the Holy Spirit , empowering Jesus 's followers in making his good news known .
22 Today nearly half of all the vines grown in the white wine vineyards of Champagne are of the Pinot Meunier variety — a practicality only possible because of Pérignon .
23 The inner layer of shell is of nacre , or Mother-of-pearl .
24 As I took my place with two jamjars in my first Saturday morning kids matinee queue , apprehensive lest the currency had been devalued or even replaced with money , I observed that not only were Royals the heroes in the films but that my choice of cinema was between the Queens and the Royal , and I was warned that before the performance you were supposed to stand for the pianist 's rendition of ‘ God Save the King ’ .
25 None the less , observers of animal behaviour know that altruistic acts with differing degrees of self-sacrifice are of common occurrence , ranging from parental care to group defence and rescue behaviour to complex forms of co-operation .
26 Where flows are heavy , segregation would be the norm ; elsewhere integration with vehicular traffic in calmed areas would be perfectly acceptable , provided that safety was the principal criterion and that directness of route was in no way compromised .
27 Bills of exchange raise special transparency considerations , for it is a tenet of the law relating to such instruments that the terms of payment are to be found exclusively in the instrument itself , without reference to extraneous facts .
28 This was the conclusion of the House of Lords in May & butcher v. R. ( 1934 ) where an agreement for the purchase of government tentage provided that the price , the manner of delivery and dates of payment were to be agreed upon from time to time .
29 The candle of hope is to me a more satisfactory symbol than a sickly stanza .
30 Initially , the immigrants provided too much competition for the aspiring local working class , as , coming from countries where the process of industrialisation was under way , they were able to use their knowledge and experience to seize the initiative in entrepreneurial activity .
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