Example sentences of "be that [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I just do n't know where the towns are that go with them .
2 The LOS was identified by a sustained resting pressure are that relaxed with swallowing ; it was measured in centimeters from the nose .
3 ‘ But I do n't think people in business are that open to contacting a firm they do n't know for a health check . ’
4 The most important Romanesque churches of this type in the city of Cologne are that dedicated to the twelve apostles ( S. Aposteln 328 , 330 ) , S. Maria im Capitol , the earliest of the group , constructed on the foundation walls of the Roman Capitoline Trias , S. Martin ( Gross S. Martin ) , S. Gereon ( 329 ) and S. Pantaleon .
5 The principal cemetery area , however , appears to have been that discovered during turnpike road construction in 1739 to the south and south-west .
6 The legal arrangements for unification were contained in a second state treaty ( the first state treaty having been that providing for economic and monetary union — see pp. 37466-67 ) .
7 In December 1923 , the key decision had been that made by Baldwin not to resign immediately .
8 It follows , then , that an evolutionary argument must attempt to establish exactly what the continuity may have been that led from the level of the higher animals to that of Man .
9 Under such an arrangement the electoral system in East Germany would have been that used in March for the elections to the Volkskammer ( East German unicameral parliament — see pp. 37300-02 ) .
10 One of the most influential categorisations of social class , other than those of the OPCS , has been that used by the Oxford Social Mobility Study .
11 If you 're that spare about the images you choose to show of a city , you can create a feeling of an entire world just seen through very limited vision .
12 The knowledge of linguistics referred to here would of course be that acquired during the academic course , but may be an indication of priorities in the PGCE course itself .
13 The least satisfactory housing tends also to be that inhabited by sections of the population of which disabled people form a disproportionately large percentage , elderly people and people on low incomes .
14 Erm this first two we 'd tell people the answers to , so what answer would this one be that times by ten and all that happens .
15 The ‘ normal ’ tax district for the director of the company will be that dealing with the company 's directors and employees , their PAYE affairs and tax returns .
16 It is proposed that Atkins Q-analysis provides the basis for such an analysis ; the principal source of data will be that collected by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute .
17 It could be that support from the 13 Ulster Unionist MPs likely to be elected on Thursday would be enough to see Mr Major home .
18 It takes its primary level of analysis to be that characterized by the question of size and by the phenomenal form of the series .
19 It may be that looking at the bodies will tell me .
20 However , as much of this stock has not become owner-occupied , it may well be that increases in market values will cope with the disrepair problem .
21 As Philip Warner has said in The Special Air Service , the official history re-issued in an expanded edition in 1983 , the regiment ‘ has often been criticised for the high proportion of officers and N.C.O.s , as well as first-class men , which it absorbed , and the answer must invariably be that used in this way they caused far more damage to the enemy than they would have done if they had been with other units .
22 In such cases the code used in the quotation need not be that used by the original speaker : its force derives from the fact that it is different from the code of the part of the turn in which it is embedded .
23 The volume name should be that supplied in the first answer and the volume number should be the extension supplied at the end of the volume name in the HC FORMATTER 's end of run statistics .
24 The first to be noted must surely be that relating to collegiality — a long text including most of Lumen Gentium 22 .
25 It could just as easily be that proposed by Pearce and Hall ( 1980 ) .
26 I wonder how important it is for those players because the the competition over here has its detractors , what about over there , I ca n't imagine the Italians being that bothered about doing well in this competition , certainly the gates over there do n't suggest that it 's that important ?
27 The main industry 's that export to the US are Food and drink ; and Textiles .
28 people do n't stay out long , so you do n't get many people getting up to two or three years experience , the one 's that stay on that long stay
29 An interesting warning can be gathered from Pooley 's that remaining in such an area for more than one minute risks possible harm from radiation .
30 A cumbersome bureaucracy has grown up at Lloyd 's that panders to the market 's parochial interests rather than to its wider good .
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