Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ People seem to think we are getting rid of all the books but the only ones we have done away with are those which had been hidden away unused for many years . ’
2 In Litster , even though the sale was by a receiver , it was clear that the employees had been dismissed immediately prior to completing the sale of a business solely to avoid the effect of the Transfer Regulations on the sale .
3 The previous ball had been stopped just short of the boundary by some members of the crowd who had engulfed the pitch .
4 All these descriptions are given richly sensuous images .
5 This weirdo is perceived as poking around dusty old bookshops instead of the gleaming God-have-you-any- conception -what-this-refit-has-just-cost-us sort of outlet and , worse , buys secondhand books , books that have already been sold and therefore attract no income or royalties whatever ; and who might even be willing to pay up to 10 times the original cover price if the damn thing is a first edition , whereas everyone knows that first editions are merely what are given away free , for heaven 's sake , to hacks who seldom review them and — even more galling — to the bloody authors who wrote them in the first place .
6 Similar arguments might be advanced with respect to the measures of economic deprivation , which are presented as items five and six in table 9.7 and are given extremely low weight in the assessment of GRE , compared with the multiple use of housing indicators and of measures of ethnic origin .
7 In country districts flowers are given variously poetic or prosaic names which are derived from some obvious characteristic of the plant itself .
8 Sometimes the auditors are given more specific instructions about how they are to conduct the valuation .
9 Howard Davies , the commission 's controller , says that , as schools are given more financial and managerial independence over the next few years , authorities should monitor quality on behalf of ratepayers and parents , rather than pretending that all their schools are equally good .
10 After Peniel , when for a night Jacob also , so unheroic hitherto , played a hero 's part , we are given more subtle comedy and another hero brought down to earth .
11 Indeed , in many industries there would be little point in raising the skill level unless workers are given more advanced capital equipment on which to work .
12 All are given relatively straight interpretations , and remain resolutely unexciting and , indeed , uninteresting .
13 Furthermore , there is no shocked outcry from the mass media if such criminals are given relatively minor sentences .
14 Conservationists expect the government to rely on the existing network of 5,800 sites of special scientific interest ( SSSIs ) , which are given only limited protection under the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act .
15 First , textual effects are given only secondary importance : " style , manner , vocabulary and imagery may be borrowed , but personality is inalienable " .
16 If this is the argument it neglects the fact that statutory bodies are given very specific powers .
17 These are given vibrantly live performances by Thomas Zehetmair and Malcolm Frager , who play an 1805 Broadwood fortepiano .
18 Of course , even within the stated parameters , comprehensiveness is an impossible goal , because some publications escape the net , or are listed so late that they have gone out of print or are out-of-date by the time they appear .
19 The spotted mare came from Billy Smart 's and jumps a flaming hoop suspended at five feet , the chestnut in the horsebox is an ex-hunter who once belonged to the Duke of Beaufort , this one I 'm holding has been placed twice round Badminton , and Hoomey 's — ’
20 No drug has been proven globally effective in IBS .
21 Whatever , his prophecies about Alexander 's death had been proven brutally correct .
22 For a file of this size , no value has been altered materially due to the simplification of using Poisson values .
23 In coeliac disease patients who had not been treated both total and nephrogenous cAMP urinary excretion were inversely related to serum calcium values ( r=-0.759 , p<0.05 ; r=-0.876 , p<0.01 ) .
24 There are cases , including the authorities to which Cooke P. referred , in which an order apparently final has been treated as interlocutory so as to deprive a litigant of a right of appeal or so as to restrict such right .
25 Medau will be organising the London regional day for interested teachers from all disciplines , which will be held at the Laban Centre on Sunday 1st March — places are limited so early application is advised ( details and application forms enclosed ) .
26 Tax sensitive decisions will have been explained thus improving client liaison .
27 At breakfast , I had been given freshly home-made bread , and I felt at peace with the world .
28 Nonetheless , as the software has been given both Czech and Slovak language user interfaces , the project could conceivably continue under the auspices of the individual republics .
29 Again we have been given right royal treatment by a preserved railway , following our wonderful trip to the Llangollen last year .
30 ‘ As rural communities have become increasingly marginal to national economies they have been given less political priority …
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