Example sentences of "be [v-ing] [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I said I 've been phoning all the time , I said , and I still do n't know about it !
2 The odds are shortening all the time against him emerging as a big time trainer in his own right .
3 ‘ I guess you 've been seeing all the sights , same as we have ?
4 More and more housewives are using such a product .
5 So DREADCO chemists are using all the cunning of modern catalytic chemistry to polymerize coal in situ .
6 ‘ I do n't believe in the fatal decline of the written word , ’ says Mr Fontaine , ‘ but we are competing all the time — not so much against television , because the screen image and the printed word complement each other , as against magazines , and against the time people spend getting to work and then their leisure time — against music and the cinema . ’
7 Within minutes he had reached the streets leading to the allotment gardens that he would skirt , to find the phone box he had been using all the time he had been in hiding .
8 The newspaper industry would be just as hard hit … and they 've been using all the means at their disposal to wage war with the Chancellor .
9 Have you been using that the whole day ?
10 However , advances are happening all the time .
11 This begs the question why the Democrats and the White House are staging such a divisive quarrel , at a time when agreement on a deficit-cutting budget for 1990 is already overdue ( the nominal deadline passed yesterday ) .
12 More are appearing all the time , and nineteen eighty two will be no more than a particularly rich year for them .
13 In brief , the four regions of the South have been absorbing all the ( admittedly rather limited ) national increase in population and have been pulling in people from the rest of Britain .
14 There are no easy answers but If you have not already been applying all the techniques listed in this book when applying for jobs you should find that a methodical approach is more productive than previous haphazard applications .
15 Who 's been tooling all the parts ?
16 INVESTORS in South Wales Electricity — the smallest of the distributors — are laughing all the way to the bank .
17 Shrewd movie bosses are laughing all the way to the bank — they have already planned Home Alone 3 .
18 I mean , I think that when people are purchasing all the time the , particularly the order book , is not sensible , but the ad-hoc stuff is hiding the invoices .
19 It has been happening all the time and , with respect to the hon. Gentleman , it has been happening constantly .
20 and instead are mailshotting all the local parties .
21 But normally you find that erm both Stan and I would consider the large goods vehicles drivers as being the professionals , because you are driving all the time .
22 US negotiators had been seeking such an agreement since shortly after Endara 's government was installed following the overthrow of the Noriega regime by US military intervention in December 1989 .
23 He 'd been smoking 50 a day for 40 years .
24 Officials in the Department of the Environment , which have been advocating such a move for some time against the opposition of the Treasury , have indicated that the introduction of differential rates is still some way off , however .
25 ‘ We are developing all the time .
26 Some of these footballers now ca n't play when they 're resting all the week .
27 So we 're using all the money we 've ploughed into the business to expand .
28 Right , so we 're using all the others are we ?
29 ‘ You know what I think about this ‘ protected species ’ business , ’ he said , reshuffling the logs , ‘ I think they 're protecting all the game for themselves so they can set up a hunter 's paradise for the rich — for foreigners and high-ranking government officials .
30 THEY 'RE laughing all the way to the funeral , ’ said one corporate wit .
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