Example sentences of "be [adv] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 My peers are more tolerant , more willing to accept me for what I am rather than for what I might produce or become in the hierarchy .
2 Gaston and Mound are right that in taxonomy , as in science in general , the drive comes from individuals .
3 Yes , I mean it , erm , Mr is quite right , and I 'm very surprised at the length of time , I 'm not sure if he 's still in on planning , but he 's certainly been on and off it a lot , erm , has n't worked it out yet .
4 You have to put them up because the notes are on or below the middle line .
5 Food prices are much as in the UK .
6 Workmen who normally called at Taylor 's on their way to work had not been in because of this .
7 His powerful shooting , sometimes from long range , was spectacular and effective and we do well to remember that Albert played in the days when the leather ball grew heavier and heavier , soaking up any moisture there may have been in or on the pitch and possibly finishing up weighing several pounds .
8 In a subdued announcement on state television and radio , Mr Alia , who has been in or near the centre of power in Albania for almost 50 years , declared he would officially step down at today 's opening of parliament .
9 But the question of what pictures are entirely or for practical purposes Bellini 's own is answered largely by personal taste ; there is therefore a considerable divergence of view .
10 If you are below or above these measurements , your build tends towards one end or other of the average frame size .
11 My local butcher 's sales of beef are down because of ‘ mad cow ’ disease , and pork because of ‘ blue ear ’ .
12 We had been outside the village of El Ouata — we would have been inside but for him .
13 It is unexportable , because prescription , the inherent authority of that which has always been so , is a writ which runs only where it has always been so and amongst those amongst whom it has always been so .
14 Where cathedrals are in or near large centres of population , perhaps with a significant student presence , their ability to pay realistic salaries is an obvious advantage .
15 This is so , to speak metaphorically , since almost all mental events , although not the ones in which we are principally interested , are elsewhere than at the focus of consciousness .
16 The spread or distribution of the test scores ( and therefore the significance of scores which are above or below the mean ) is indicated by the standard deviation , or SD .
17 Nor perhaps need one dwell on the powerful thematic use of the expanded , minor-ninth version of the idea , especially as it expresses Grimes 's insatiable yearning for " haven " , for acceptance and respect — a yearning so intimately bound up with his personal tragedy because , to most of us , these things seem comparatively within reach ( whether we desire them or not ) but are patently and without qualification beyond Peter 's grasp : [ 8,10,17 ] .
18 I 've been through since in the car and was surprised
19 We er have n't er certainly been through or down the road of looking at whether there are sites within our district that that could accommodate that , that exercise is still to be done .
20 Ruddock 's sickly grin on rising , intended to signal that he was okay , was in fact unwitting facial semaphore that the fight would have been over but for the rescuing bell .
21 The crisis should now have been over except for a brief and unwise Greek sally against Turkey which produced a spasm of concerted action by the powers , pleased to find themselves able to agree in holding Greece back .
22 Lord Coulsfield said the sentence would have been longer but for the fact that after the crimes were brought to light , the accused had to wait 15 months for his court appearance .
23 A clearer view exists of what services are not than of any positive identification of their characteristics .
24 A Service of Reconciliation is an opportunity to remember and to respond to the fact that we are individually and as a body loved by God .
25 Certainly the extent of response from the public in lobbying their MPs and sending petitions to Parliament or the MoD has been above and beyond anything that the mandarins could have expected .
26 ‘ We firmly believe that the Government 's present position pays too little heed to the weight of scientific evidence in Britain and in Europe that sulphur dioxide , nitrous [ sic ] oxides and hydrocarbon emissions are separately and in conjunction destructive to many natural and built environments . ’
27 No you 're not but in fact studies show after about the first ten minutes , people are n't absorbing much anyway
28 We 're up and down those stairs — hey , where 's the fire ?
29 Well we 're , we 're here except for Easter .
30 The weather influences the actual location of the rabbits and it helps determine whether they are underground or on the surface .
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