Example sentences of "be [pron] [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 Inside she knew she would also be searching for Alain , but she thrust that thought away because there would be nothing there that belonged to her .
2 Surely , oh surely , there would be something here that would rescue Nuadu and the other poor creatures …
3 Now , as well as actual planes flying in the skies , are there going to be anything else that people can actually feel and touch and see ?
4 This might seem inconsistent with the fact that women were living longer , were it not that longer life brought no immediate improvement in their prospects ; it remained a man 's world .
5 The murmur might become a clamour , were it not that Mr Kinnock is already preparing to leap before being pushed .
6 Ludens 's own relations with Marcus might have been called , from Ludens 's point of view , promising , even satisfactory , were it not that they were also precarious .
7 My respected landladies , who are the double-distilled quintessence of considerateness and island hospitality , would think all good would leave their abodes if a dweller beneath their roof left fasting , so , in spite of all my entreaties to the contrary , a cup of tea was prepared to forestall my start ; and as I walked by the river-side and reached a road that skirts a number of very massive peat-stacks , and displays on the landward side an interminable host of peat-pits , the geniality of the sunshine was felt , and I would gladly have slackened my pace were it not that by so doing my good friends at Gress ( some eight miles from Stornoway , where I was due at eight o'clock , if I remember rightly ) , might have waited breakfast for me .
8 It might therefore have been recommended were it not that it would take someone already well-versed in galactic studies to interpret a text badly translated and poorly proof-read , abounding in misspellings and obscure turns of phrase .
9 Were it not that Mr Telscombe had business to discuss with Mr Barnet I doubt we should be here at all .
10 The general public could hardly be described by Ritchie as viewing cruelty to domestic pets with ‘ horror ’ were it not that its sympathies were outraged by perceived wrongs .
11 The incident would be funny were it not that a similar stunt had been pulled in Kismayu , southern Somalia 's largest port , at the end of March .
12 In the absence of precise definition , 20s. might be taken as marking the dividing line between husbandmen and labourers , were it not that at Long Preston Edmund Clarke ( nil ) was stated to be servant to Thomas Squyer , who was worth only 6s. 8d .
13 This would seem an over-subtle argument , were it not that studies of style often indicate the importance of such combinatory features in the creation of literary effect .
14 ‘ There 's nothing here that changes my opinions on combos .
15 It 's ironic that you should still make excuses for the fact that the band can play really well , yet there 's nothing here that ca n't be appreciated on the level of a blues number .
16 There 's nothing here that should stand in your way . ’
17 It 's ironic that you should still make excuses for the fact that the band can play really well , yet there 's nothing here that ca n't be appreciated on the level of a blues number .
18 You know sometimes the way forward is backward , there are no short cuts with god , if he 's leading along a certain path and were disobedient , there 's no way we can opt out of it and join the trail further along , he does n't allow it , its back to where we left it , that 's were we 've got ta get back to , we ca n't skip an experience , we ca n't miss any thing out , we 've got to go back to where we start , where we were when we left the trail and Naomi has to do just that to go back to Bethlehem , that 's the way forward for her , and you see because we all , we always find this if we are really children of god , then we can never ever be satisfied away from the will of god , there 's nothing else that meets our need , its god will or nothing , you know , when we know frustration in our lives , when we know sort of the , these annoyances and , and , and , and er sense of frustration there , its not because god is leaving us that way its invariably cos we have actually gone out of gods will because he 's will is not frustrated , its satisfying , can I just , it will only really be headings this morning , just leave us with three brief headings in this little incident that we 'll read or we , we wo n't read the whole passage but its , er in the remainder of the , or more or less the whole of the remainder of the first chapter tha that the cost was involved and then the choices that were made and then the commitment , the cost that was involved Naomi had to pay something , you see before she could return to Naomi she had to con , before Naomi sorry could return er to , to Bethlehem , she had to acknowledge she 'd done wrong , she had failed , she had sinned , she had to acknowledge she had made a mistake now in fairness to Naomi she did it and she excepted her responsibility , she did n't try and shift the blame on
19 Yeah but there 's nothing else that I need .
20 There 's nothing else that I 've got to tell you !
21 A little bit sarcastically my boss said er to the owners There 's nothing else that we have n't seen is there ?
22 but they 're not in control of their body , so you must watch them , talk to them and if , if you can walk along the road with them , talking to them now the , there is the other type where you get the aura , they know they 're going to have a fit , so if somebody at your work place comes along and says to you I 'm gon na have a fit in five minutes , I mean do n't laugh at them and think ha ha , take them to a room where they 're safe and this applies to all epileptic fits , they 've got to be safe , so you 're going to clear a room of any danger , they 're laying down on the floor theirself because they 've got time they know they 're going to have this fit , if they 've got something to put in their mouth alright they will put it in their mouths themselves and once again they 've got five minutes to do it in and then that person will go through their fit , you stay with them , you comply by their wishes , if they say to you right , well just leave me when I come round I , do n't touch me I 'll be alright , they know , so you , you comply by their wish wishes , erm but only go in when you feel it is necessary , if they say right , erm I , I should regain consciousness in ten minutes and they have n't , you 're there , you stay there in case make sure they 're safe , there 's nothing there that can hurt them , then they 'll probably get up at the end of the fit and erm go into a room for a rest and say thank you very much and er , erm that 's it .
23 Erm erm can I just say , just on the on the basis of Mr 's map erm I think that proves the point that er that I suggested at the outset of the discussion erm on this issue , that if you look at the distribution of settlements there outside the greenbelt , there 's nothing there that suggests that any of the particular sectors ought to be discounted .
24 We 're alright , there 's nothing there that erm , needs to go into the fridge I think
25 Now that is a very awkward word I mean it 's nothing like that it should be A T E should n't it .
26 There is nothing here that a good social worker with families , for example , would not know about .
27 In any case , there is nothing here that would be thought of value in the shining land beyond the golden river of Frith .
28 and there 's nobody there that can give
29 ‘ There is something here that smells bad . ’
30 All of a sudden , the Government run some campaign to highlight to such people that there is something else that they can claim .
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