Example sentences of "be [verb] for [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Bribes are given to a child for stopping behaving badly , but rewards are given for behaving well .
2 On-screen guidelines are given for changing the ink cartridge , which does 60 pages at a cost of around 2.5 pence each .
3 However , the guide-lines normally only provide a starting-point , which the sentencer is free to depart from if this is regarded as appropriate , and provided reasons are given for doing so .
4 The narrators have been persecuted for standing up for their principles .
5 In the fourth century BC the Greek city of Cyzicus ( quite near the Bosporus ) made peculiarly archaic-looking coins of electrum , and these seem to have been intended for financing the corn trade between the Black Sea and Greece , as we can surmise from finds of them and from inscriptions .
6 Two players had allegedly already been banished for fighting .
7 There followed a frantic exchange of telegrams between Rangoon and Whitehall in which the Governor offered various solutions to the prevailing deadlock , finally coming up with the unexpected suggestion that a new coalition ministry was possible with Paw Tun , the last premier of Burma before the invasion ; U Saw , his predecessor as premier , an unscrupulous schemer who had been interned for dealing with the Japanese ; and Aung San , previously portrayed by Dorman-Smith as a murderer and an enemy .
8 In Canada , LASMO 's shares are listed for trading on The Toronto Stock Exchange and the Montreal Exchange under the trading symbol LSO .
9 If people are honoured for risking their lives in the not obviously useful pursuit of speed records and mountains to climb , why should they not be encouraged to do so in more worthwhile causes ?
10 According to the Parish Survey some 74% of parishes use Anglican chant at least occasionally , It is to be hoped that their congregations have copies of psalms and canticles which are pointed for singing .
11 Bill Craig had already been sacked for criticizing O'Neill 's televised plea to the province .
12 Bernadette had been sacked for cheeking the nurse .
13 She added that Miss Owen had been sacked for asking the elderly residents their views about another member of staff .
14 Sipping lager , we gazed at the front-page face of a dour middle-aged nurse who had been sacked for making porno movies on hospital premises .
15 Desperately remote though it seems , this forest has in its time been much worked , beech wood having been prized for making oars for ships and sent off in great quantities to the coast .
16 On the LME inter-office trades are registered for clearing as a house cross .
17 John would probably have been reprimanded for playing with something in lesson time .
18 The official newspaper of the Communist Youth League had reportedly been criticized for publishing investigative reports against party orders , and its editors had been threatened with a period in the country .
19 ‘ Scientific management 's ’ mechanistic and materialistic model of the individual has been criticized for taking no account of other motives for work and , by implication , the diverse interests of which people might be conscious as members of groups and wish to protect and advance through group action .
20 Cixous has been criticized for lacking a politics and a theory of the social .
21 Snell has been criticized for causing a decline in handwriting by promoting his dull copperplate style , but his practice and teaching of a simpler and standardized mode of handwriting most effectively met the needs of clerks in the growing number of commercial houses .
22 The National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA ) had been criticized for risking the lives of six astronauts , merely to launch a satellite which could have been put into orbit more cheaply by an unmanned rocket .
23 Displacement theory has , however , been criticized for giving insufficient weight to political influences on the level of public expenditure .
24 Iliescu said that the NSF leadership had been criticized for giving in to mob rule , and that the issue , like that of the death penalty , should instead be put to a referendum .
25 Clarity , which anticipated becoming that magical $100m company , has been criticized for putting in a $100m company 's infrastructure complete with six vice presidents long before it could financially justify it .
26 Thus the Vienna Sales Convention has been criticized for excluding questions relating to the validity of the contract of sale , the transfer of property , or the resolution of property disputes between the seller or buyer and a third party .
27 He had been criticized for failing to do enough to prevent a spate of serious attacks on foreign workers and asylum-seekers in the state , and had also been accused of working for the Stasi .
28 The analysis described above has been criticized for treating debt and taxation asymmetrically .
29 German Greenpeace , the second-largest branch of of Greenpeace International , has been criticized for spending only a third of donations on campaigns and putting much of the rest aside .
30 The economic strategy has also been criticized for having placed too much emphasis on manufacturing , especially on large-scale , capital-intensive schemes such as the paper mill at Fort William .
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