Example sentences of "rely [adv] upon " in BNC.

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1 The educational system had failed him — an education system that had relied largely upon on-the-job training and part-time or distance study was inadequate and had ineptly squandered the intellect of its candidates .
2 UK governments , until recently , have relied traditionally upon fiscal policy , i.e. variations in government expenditure and taxation , as the primary weapon to achieve its objectives .
3 In broad terms it was found that British managements had adopted a control system which relied little upon direct managerial intervention and allowed the workforce a greater say in decision-making , essentially as a recognition of the de facto power of trade unions and shopfloor organisation within the industry .
4 In the first part of her reign she relied mainly upon the Antwerp money-market , where her debts in 1560 exceeded £272,000 .
5 Unable to offer economic inducements , the pomeshchiks relied increasingly upon sheer force to keep their peasants , exploit their labour , drive them deeper and deeper into debt , and reduce them to servile status .
6 Seeing that the independents would be slowly strangled so long as they relied exclusively upon the British circuits , he sought to establish connections to Hollywood .
7 The Zambian economy became extremely lop-sided , in that it relied inordinately upon copper exports .
8 It has been calculated that while Stapledon spent just under half his time before the 1320s in his diocese , once he became treasurer barely a tenth of his time was passed at Exeter ; he relied instead upon the machinery of deputies to maintain his authority and execute his wishes there .
9 As a result , he gave up any further pretense of restoring constitutional democracy and relied instead upon the enactment of a ‘ direct democracy ’ between himself and ’ the people ’ .
10 And when the London Film Company was formed in 1913 by Dr Ralph Tennyson Jupp , as an offshoot of his Provincial Cinematograph Theatres exhibition company , he relied heavily upon American producers and directors .
11 Churchill relied heavily upon intelligence from Ultra , calling the Bletchley cryptanalysts ‘ the geese who laid the golden eggs but never cackled ’ ; and he could frequently be heard demanding , ‘ Where are my eggs ? ’
12 An ordinary shut door , for example , would not be opaque to you , if you were one of those species of bat or whale who relied heavily upon detection of sound waves !
13 I relied heavily upon Hedley Byrne as illustrative .
14 It seems that many Breton lords relied heavily upon the profits of wreck to boost their incomes , and to abolish it might have caused yet another rebellion in an area where Angevin control was still fairly fragile .
15 But in the early stages of his reign , as he sought to establish himself in quarrels with some of his more powerful vassals , Philip relied heavily upon aid from Henry II and his sons , from the family which he was to do so much to tear apart .
16 Before 1322 , however , because of his often fraught relations with the magnates , Edward relied heavily upon the church for essential funds .
17 The legislation , later amended by the Legal Aid Act 1974 , relied heavily upon the decisions of the Rushcliffe Committee .
18 Since the first disappointments at Verdun , the All-Highest had withdrawn still further into his fairy-tale world , a world whose contact with reality relied principally upon those improbable ‘ trench anecdotes ’ that were imported from the front for his insatiable consumption ; or often simply invented .
19 Clegg ( 1976 ) has put forward a theory of union density for those countries which rely predominantly upon collective bargaining to regulate employment terms .
20 Yet such initiatives such as ESGs , GRIST and the Manpower Services Technical , Vocational and Education Initiative ( TVEI ) rely predominantly upon the INSET practices of LEAs .
21 Confirmation of portal vein patency or occlusion relies predominantly upon venous phase arterial portography or splenoportography , both invasive and time consuming radiological procedures that may have complications .
22 And this too is why the word can even be extended to all those who rely entirely upon the mercy of God — the poor in spirit ’ ( Matt.
23 Printers and typesetting houses have been embracing new methods for the last 15 years or so and now rely entirely upon them .
24 They are among the safest of all sections of the community using the roads , simply because they rely entirely upon their sight at all times and under all circumstances . "
25 At the same time , a system which relies entirely upon departmental selection is bound to result in lack of balance .
26 The stone-deaf person relies entirely upon sight throughout every phase of life , and not upon hearing , and , therefore , this sense of sight is developed to an extraordinary degree of efficiency from sheer necessity .
27 It relies largely upon temporary staff ( e.g. students ) to cope with seasonal fluctuations .
28 Although the scope of workplace negotiations has been more restricted ( by law ) in Sweden than in Britain , in both countries the bargaining which occurs relies largely upon informal agreements and tacit understandings .
29 But if we are to preserve the creatures that rely directly upon water as their medium , technique and science alone are not enough .
30 They rely both upon colour and a variety of simple visual devices .
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