Example sentences of "that occur in " in BNC.

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1 Conceptualizations of police work are therefore derived from and embedded in such phenomena as the day-to-day experience of police duties , which is itself contextually related to the sorts of crime that occur in the area in which the station is located , common-sense notions about policing contained in the occupational culture , and stereotypes of policing found in the wider culture .
2 He is always talking about style : he has yet words of the absurdest that occur in every page , bland , delicate , dainty ; one blushes to read them . ’
3 Because there are known inherited defects in certain breeds , I checked Lexington for those that occur in Golden Retrievers .
4 The nature of these changes is less well understood than of those that occur in bacteria adapting to new chemical environments .
5 As a model of gene activation , the mechanism discovered by Jacob and Monod in bacteria again provides a satisfactory prototype , although we know that the changes that occur in eukaryotic cells are different at a molecular level , and far more stable .
6 Of greater significance are differences that occur in the difficulties and constraints in the utilisation of the basic resources .
7 We may assume that during conditioning associations will be formed between contextual cues and the individual events ( the CS and the US ) that occur in their presence .
8 All three are inherent components of the natural earth surface processes that occur in arid and semi-arid regions but have been exacerbated by human activity .
9 These forests vary in character from closed forests to open woodlands and include mangrove forests that occur in coastal regions .
10 Note the selection headings for these areas and write down the most important features of the case that occur in each of these sections in a layout that will make the next step easy for you .
11 Others are correlated with the Sherwood Sandstone and with salt beds that occur in the Mercia Mudstone .
12 The Killing-Cauchy horizons that occur in these solutions have particular significance as the caustics formed by the mutual focusing of the opposing waves .
13 Early intervention could prevent some of the problems and costs of special education that occur in later life .
14 Hypoglycaemia , the abnormally low levels of blood sugar that occur in insulin-dependant diabetics , produces dizziness , palpitations , confusion and visual problems .
15 When dealing with the paranormal or supernatural , it is easy to look for rational explanations , but logical reasoning can not always explain the strange events that occur in people 's lives .
16 As a result , we now have a very detailed picture of the lifestyle of the cuckoo and can recognise it for what it is : not a case of divine creation , but a superb example of the complex adaptations that occur in the intricate interrelationship .
17 The 800 species of hermit crab that occur in the world 's oceans are distinguished from all other crabs by living inside the unoccupied shells of marine snails .
18 Realistic generalization is only possible , however , when there are good theories of the phenomena that occur in the real world .
19 This is antipodal to the empirically visible history in which the time of all histories is the simple time of continuity and in which the ‘ content ’ is the vacuity of events that occur in it which one later tries to determine with dividing procedures in order to ‘ periodise ’ that continuity .
20 Another speaker , Michael Traber , WACC 's Director of Studies and Publications , said : ‘ It is the task of the mass media and theology to read the signs of the times and to interpret the changes that occur in the world in order to make sense of them . ’
21 These impressions are not of a kind that occur in our daily life .
22 The changes that occur in those periods all have an important international dimension , but in some the international factors interact with strongly influential , internal developments while in others the international side has greater relative weight .
23 That conception makes it difficult to address sharp upheavals in the international system that occur in many periods of structural change , the rivalry between different countries that occurs in international trade and finance , or the impact that a country 's internal conditions ( such as the structure of its unions and management ) have on its international position .
24 What is it about the changes that occur in a crossroads period that mark them out as structural changes , distinct from the movement and change experienced during the intervening years ?
25 Metabolism is the series of chemical reactions that occur in each cell and each organ to keep the body running properly .
26 The units are the many individual plants that occur in every community , whether this be a beech-forest , a meadow , or a heath .
27 When one does this , it is clear that not every child is equally equipped to cope with the particular purposes and tasks that occur in classrooms .
28 The second aspect — talking with children — focuses on the discussions that occur in schools .
29 Of 47 species that occur in the Antarctic region , Wallwork ( 1973 ) considers about 70% endemic ; 17 species occur in continental and maritime Antarctica .
30 Speakers of dialects on the Dutch side of the border , in the same way , will read newspapers and write letters in Dutch , and any standardising changes that occur in their dialects will take place in the direction of standard Dutch , not standard German .
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