Example sentences of "not be resolved " in BNC.

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1 The questions , which Mr Prescott also raised with Cecil Parkinson , the Secretary of State for Transport , and the Health and Safety Executive , centre on the £600m order for rolling stock made earlier this year , although the issue of whether passengers should stay with their cars or be segregated had not been resolved .
2 The Adult Education Regulations of 1932 addressed a major problem which had not been resolved under the Board 's 1924 Regulations .
3 This wider context of the developments at university and LEA levels is necessary for an adequate understanding of the difficulties which arose in the years immediately prior to the 1939–45 war between the Cambridge Board and the District as there were serious implications for the National WEA if the District 's problems had not been resolved through protracted , patient and complex negotiations .
4 The reader will have noticed interesting and contradictory differences of detail between the accounts of Hancock and Rees , which have not been resolved — typical of the problems facing the latter-day historian !
5 Fry claimed the payment fiasco had not been resolved — but captain Duncan Horton , the club 's PFA representative , insisted there was no problem .
6 The source of the ivory is difficult to determine , and the question of whether the material derives from elephant or walrus has not been resolved .
7 The internal politics of the profession in a recession economy have not been resolved by this scheme ( Smith and Thomas 1978 ) but it illustrates the irrecon-cilable tensions between individual economic advancement , collegiate unity and community/client interest , tensions which were recognised by our respondents .
8 Note that attempts will be made wherever possible to conciliate between solicitor and client where the client is dissatisfied with the solicitor 's charges , and the dispute has not been resolved under the firm 's internal PR15 procedure .
9 He mocks Polonius , but still thinks of him as a ‘ tedious old fool ’ , showing that his feelings have not been resolved .
10 Despite the current interest in the pathogenic potential of Helicobacter pylori ( H pylori ) , the question of whether or not motility and cisapride effect H pylori colonisation has not been resolved , although sketchy data are available that show that patients with dyspepsia infected with the organism have more rapid gastric emptying than healthy H pylori negative controls .
11 If many of the key issues which had divided the Whigs and the Tories during Charles II 's reign had not been resolved by the events of 1688 – 9 , their context had certainly been altered .
12 Unfortunately the outstanding differences have not been resolved and we still have no date for talks . ’
13 The Sectional Councils may reach agreements on matters affecting the region , and also , through a system of subcommittees , review a large volume of individual claims that have not been resolved at LDC level .
14 This can not be resolved by distancing , repression and short cuts … the specificity and individuality of the observer are ever present and must therefore be acknowledged , explored and put to creative use ( my emphasis ] .
15 Any increase in these standards therefore could not be resolved by any earthbound human being .
16 The program implements a prescan of the data to determine parameters that can not be resolved by the direct leastsquares method of analysis .
17 There are now no ‘ fundamental contradictions in human life that can not be resolved in the context of modern liberalism ’ .
18 This was unacceptable , and he suggested finalizing the technical agreements if the issue of services could not be resolved at that time .
19 Its scope , vision , and promises are large , yet history tells us that the issues it addresses will not be resolved easily .
20 If the problem can not be resolved then and there , a report form , normally available from your Club rep , must be completed in the resort by your party leader who signed the Booking Form .
21 The problems of Kashmir can not be resolved by violence .
22 If your complaint can not be resolved locally , your representative will ask you to complete a report form , the original of which is for you and a copy will be forwarded to our Head Office .
23 In the unlikely event that matters can not be resolved to your satisfaction in the resort , the Representative will ask you to record details of any problems on a Holiday Report Form , of which you will be given a copy , and you must then follow up your report by writing to the Customer Relations Department at our Birmingham Head Office ( quoting the numbers of your Holiday Reference and Holiday Report forms ) within 42 days of returning from resort .
24 Because even in a more refined system there is going to be a stage where issues can not be resolved by analysis or delicate agreement and can only be resolved by crude political battering .
25 One third of the disputes brought to the centre in the first year of operation could not be resolved because the ‘ other side ‘ would not agree to meet , although home visits have proved to be a way of overcoming this hurdle .
26 Nor is it to imply that difficulties can not be resolved .
27 The issues that they raised about the institutionalized nature of their oppression could not be resolved by any one local council .
28 Usually , what all the ghosts have in common is a tragedy suffered during their life on earth , and they will reappear to a family descendant in the attempt to resolve what could not be resolved in life .
29 She obviously feels it can not be resolved without going to court . ’
30 The major points of difference between the proposed Statement of Auditing Standards and the existing standard are that : auditors ' reports would contain brief descriptions of the respective responsibilities of directors and auditors , and would indicate the basis of the opinion expressed and include a description of the key features of the audit process ; auditors would no longer issue qualified reports solely as a result of uncertainties which can not be resolved at the date the financial statements are approved ( ‘ inherent uncertainties ’ ) .
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