Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] found [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What it might be found to share with the first is a simultaneous avoidance and acting out of the ambivalence which constitutes subordination , and a pushing of that ambivalence to the point of transgressive insight and possibly reinscribed escape .
2 The human expertise in computer-derived works could be found to reside in the programs which produced the lists of random numbers .
3 There was a certain reassurance in this but he did n't say how many or how , and there was the nagging thought that equally well-tutored scientific opinion could be found to argue with him .
4 It was shabby but civilised , alive with history but inhabited also by living poets and thinkers who could be found squatting on the slotted metal floors of the stacks , or arguing pleasantly at the turning of the stair .
5 Sometimes , however , she could be found curled in a tight prickle-ball between the big yellow dog 's front paws .
6 Part-time teachers could be found working in odd corners with small groups of children needing extra help .
7 Evans-Pritchard 's ‘ Social Anthropology ’ devotes much attention to the Victorian anthropologists , Tylor and Frazer , then passes on to their critics , ‘ Durkheim and the Année Sociologique group of writers ’ , thus recapitulating Eliot 's own interests ; some ‘ features may be found to exist in all human societies , primitive and civilized alike ’ ; the paper relates anthropology to religious belief , ‘ with special reference to Catholic apologetics ’ .
8 Linguists may be found working in a range of national and international organizations where foreign language skills and knowledge of other cultures are seen as a good foundation for a career .
9 It is worth extending the search for quality further along the crag however , where one or two hidden gems may be found lurking in relative isolation .
10 " This Meeting , with every feeling of humanity for the distressed Sufferers , who have the misfortune to be shipwrecked on the coast of this Island , have to regret that numbers of the Country prople , shaking off all fear of God , or regard to the laws , are in the constant practice against every rule of Christian charity , or hospitality , of resorting in numbers to the shores , where strangers have the Misfortune of being shipwrecked , and that for the sole purpose of plunder ; which practice this Meeting hold in the greatest abhorrence , and now declare their disapprobation of ; and in order , as much as possible , to remedy this evil , this Meeting not only collectively , but individually , pledge themselves to use their utmost exertions , not only for the preservation of the property of the individuals , who may have the Misfortune to be wrecked on these coasts , but also for bringing to condign punishment all and every such persons as may be found plundering from wrecks : "
11 The intermediary would then send a boy or servant with the cattle owner to ‘ search ’ for the missing animal , which would be found tied to a tree in a nearby forest .
12 All questioned how its role could add to that newly reaffirmed by Cadbury of non-executive directors on audit committees , and who would be found to sit on it .
13 From time immemorial it was a commonly held belief in Gaelic Scotland that where a disease occurred there would be found growing in the locality of its prevalence a plant which would cure that disease .
14 Derain prophesied that one day Picasso would be found hanged behind it .
15 In European countries virtue would be found to linger in remote and rural communities .
16 It is probable that no one would be found to dissent from this proposition [ the fundamental importance of the teaching of the English language ] , in which the meaning of the word English is limited to the language itself as a means of communication .
17 More detailed instructions will be found taped on the walls over the appliances concerned .
18 Indeed my wife believes that if when I die I am cut in half , the letters ICI will be found stamped through me from top to bottom , like Blackpool rock .
19 They will be found collected in the case of the Direct United States Cable Company v Anglo-American Telegraph Company , L R 2 App Cas 394 , the bay there in question being Conception Bay , which has a width at the mouth of rather more than 20 miles .
20 In most places most individuals will be found feeding on barnacles or mussels , but a wide variety of other molluscs may be attacked on occasion ( Table 1 ) .
21 Indeed , at various points , the present set of essays will be found to disagree with Margaret Donaldson 's views , either at the level of detail , or more fundamentally .
22 Whether coal-bearing Westphalian strata will be found remains to be seen , but as thin coals are also known in the Namurian and Upper Viséan in the Dungannon area , a rich potential source rock for gas seems very probable .
23 Disease is probably best confirmed by post-mortem examination of selected cases when worms will be found attached to the tracheal mucosa .
24 the external design is nevertheless made everywhere to result from the necessities of the interior : the positions of the windows are decided not so much with regard to external effect , as with reference to the rooms they light ; and even the heights of stories will be found to vary in parts to suit internal convenience .
25 [ … ] They will be found to vary in detail with the length of the period of time to which the investigation refers ; chiefly because both the material capital of machinery and other business plant , and the immaterial capital of business skill and ability and organization , are of slow growth and slow decay .
26 But when it comes down to concrete moral judgements and commitments , such abstractions will be found interpreted in opposing ways .
27 In any particular economic system the same patterns will be found to recur in many different social contexts within many different kinds of institution .
28 That leaves obvious questions about why exactly this illuminates decisions by finite human agents in worlds full of ‘ friction ’ , but we would rather leave them to Chapter 6 , where Game Theory will be found illuminating for thinking about international relations in an ideal-typical way .
29 Just five minutes walk from the beach and the nightlife , these bungalow-style studios can be found nestling in a quiet spot .
30 The branch obtained last year from Chirbury to Minsterley remains with its ground unbroken , and yet the directors of the Bishop 's Castle are not ashamed to appear in Parliament with a demand to use so much of the Cambrian as will permit the former to effect communication with the Mid-Wales , another abortion over which no one can be found to preside save Mr Whalley , and which has not yet ventured to publish a return of traffic , or to submit an account of its income and expenditure for public inspection .
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