Example sentences of "[noun prp] out [prep] the corner " in BNC.

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1 She was watching Edward out of the corner of her eye .
2 The man clutched his stomach in agony then noticed the fallen Browning out of the corner of his eye .
3 ‘ Rule of Life ? ’ asked Werewolf out of the corner of his beard .
4 He appeared to be airborne , but he was watching Stephen out of the corner of his eye .
5 He glanced at Siban out of the corner of his eye , but said nothing .
6 Had this been any other occasion , he would have lowered his head respectfully and more or less closed his eyes , watching Bill Brice out of the corner of them so as to know when to open them again , and murmuring amen where appropriate .
7 Sometimes , in fact , she had felt she was in danger of neglecting the rest of her pupils for though her voice continued to drone on , snapping out an instruction here , a correction there , she was in reality watching Paula out of the corner of her eye , and experiencing the same excitement of discovery that she had felt on the day when Paula had first walked into her office .
8 Watching Jamie out of the corner of her eye while she poured whisky for both of them , she reflected that it was all going very well .
9 ‘ Shut up , ’ said Drew out of the corner of his mouth .
10 Cranston glanced at Athelstan out of the corner of his eye and smiled at the barbed reminder what was true of Fulke and others in the Tower was also true of his relationship with the Lady Maude .
11 Deana watched both him and Belinda out of the corner of her eye .
12 Athelstan studied Cranston out of the corner of his eye .
13 Agnes looked at Sadie out of the corner of her eye without turning round .
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