Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] upon a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A new means-tested superannuation scheme was announced to replace the existing guaranteed retirement income — thereby reneging upon a National Party election promise — the age of entitlement lifted progressively from 60 to 65 years .
2 Here was a circumstance where a great number of foreigners , who would be unable to speak the local language , whose customs would be regarded with suspicion , and whose mariner of worship differed significantly , were suddenly thrust upon a remote community .
3 In decoration and linear format , this school appears to represent more of a native tradition ; whilst the former , apparently based upon a single workshop ( and its subsequent contraction ) appears to be organised more deliberately .
4 It does not exist where one of the parent companies may alone decide upon a joint venture company 's commercial activities .
5 We soon came upon a fascinating group of ancient dwellings , all that remained of the old village where the last inhabitants of Rona lived in primitive conditions and awful isolation until their final evacuation in 1844 .
6 Allen cast around and within a few yards further came upon a man-made path , narrow and winding , but in frequent use .
7 By virtue of the doctrine of privity of estate the assignee will be liable to the landlord only for breaches of covenant occurring while the lease is vested in it , and that is why a landlord will usually insist upon a direct covenant from the assignee to observe and perform the provisions of the lease during the residue of the term , as in clause 5.9.4 .
8 It is linked to an appraisal system usually based upon a banded assessment of performance .
9 The existing schemes in the early and mid-1980s were usually based upon an annual interview by a member of the Senior Management Team of a school , or perhaps a head of department .
10 While ‘ planning ’ in these various guises seemed to find its moment in the Second World War , it also drew upon a long evolution of social and political thought which stretched back to before the Great War .
11 I also came upon a mysterious animal I had not seen before : much larger than the herring , redder and infinitely more expensive .
12 Science ultimately is self-contradictory precisely because , although it begins with a supposal about reality , it also depends upon a concrete reality ; and once scientists admit the necessarily hypothetical character of that knowledge , they cease to be scientists .
13 It also depends upon a curious form of photosynthesis when it makes sugar from carbon dioxide , water and sunlight .
14 His renunciation also rested upon a dubious legal sentence of 1202 , a punitive measure against King John by Philip Augustus .
15 In late July the parallel committee of the House of Representatives had also agreed upon a much-reduced defence bill upon which the House was due to vote after the summer recess .
16 The Mystical Theology of Dionysius the Areopagite had also dwelt upon a thick cloud of unknowing that separates the ineffable God from mankind and this image dominated Greek theology .
17 From an aesthetic perspective , the booths which successfully overcame the white-carpeted department-store ambience were those which staged one-man shows , or accrochages sharply focused upon a few artists , such as Galerie Jule Kewenig of Cologne with Peter Wutherich 's ‘ Literary Watercolour ’ ( 1992 ) , a beautiful , ovoid configuration of books , with titles and spines facing downwards and inwards , in shades of turquoise , green , blue and violet and Sophia Ungers , of Cologne with eight works by painter Stefan Mattes .
18 Although initially research was often focused upon a single pollen site , the subsequent research was able to proceed towards the regional assessment of past vegetation not only in Britain but also in overseas areas such as the tropical rain forest ( Flenley , 1979 ) .
19 Semi and unskilled operatives are mainly engaged upon a seasonal , temporary or casual basis .
20 Moreover , trust in Hitler was not simply based upon an early end to the war , but on an early victorious conclusion , and all the indications are that before late 1942 and early 1943 — centring around Stalingrad , the North African reverses , and the mounting allied air supremacy — only a minority of Germans ( around a third of the population according to American surveys carried out in 1945 ) were prepared to concede that the war was lost .
21 They could never even rely upon a good singing voice — instead there is that distinctive nasal whine .
22 Yet , it was asked , was it possible to exclude him by treaty , so manifestly an arrangement between the king of England and the Burgundians ( the dauphin 's political rivals ) , and then imposed upon a sick king who was in no position to resist ?
23 All 50,000 who passed the course , and a further 20,000 members of staff who are involved in the cold chain , then embarked upon a second training module to emphasise the importance of maintaining chilled and frozen foods at the correct temperature .
24 Liability of T towards L2 and vice-versa rests upon a statutory basis .
25 They began to meet people in their travelling , and actually came upon a gravelled road that some lord of Ralarth had laid down decades or centuries ago , the wagon ruts deep in it .
26 The Strategy Committee has therefore embarked upon a detailed review of the plan , looking at the effects on the profession , of the proposed changes in legal aid , the cost of default , and the importance to both the Society and practitioners of continuing to provide a quality service .
27 It is customary therefore to focus upon a narrower trade related concept than the balance of visible trade to distinguish the CU effect of membership .
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