Example sentences of "and i suspect " in BNC.

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1 However , I find Turner 's work on the results of such movement into the liminal state to be a very useful way of interpreting what an insider experiences when he moves to the margins of his own domain , and I suspect that many such transformations across fiercely defended boundaries of cultural experience lend the individual the chance to stand aside and reflect on his subjective place in the order of things .
2 Tricon managing director Tony Horton says ; ‘ It sounds inelegant , its meaning is esoteric and I suspect it acts as a deterrent to potential external customers . ’
3 The custom fell out of favour at the turn of this century and I suspect that , as a reaction to the damage the treatment caused , the contrary view that teething is harmless has been passed down through generations of doctors .
4 Still , it is good to see him at all , and I suspect his performance in Reflected Glory will linger in the memory …
5 Add to this the possibility that by eating organic produce we might be filling the cornfields with poppies once again and I suspect that mere flavour often takes a back seat .
6 It is even possible ( and I suspect that many ‘ relapses ’ fall into t his category ) that the pus cells do not represent active infection and are a residual sign of past or resolving infection .
7 So , if our tiny survey is to be considered representative ( and I suspect that it is ) , then ‘ Meat Is Murder ’ is generally seen as an honest statement but not one which will cause a drastic change of thinking ( or eating ) patterns .
8 We first visited Orkney in 1952 , on a family holiday , and I suspect that experience had a lot to do with stimulating my love of islands .
9 Often , we would disturb huge salmon , red-dressed for spawning , and I suspect that during the days of the POW camp , salmon were a frequent supplement to meagre wartime rations .
10 And I suspect also that from time to time the director feels that he has to placate the more hard-nosed and less imaginative of his many paymasters by producing something that could be regarded as promoting trade .
11 The mountainous terrain does bring its own challenges , and I suspect that in summer there are quite often storms of the type we experienced , even though further inland it may be fine .
12 I 've thought all along that Anthea Darnell knows something , and I suspect that she heard , or saw , or guessed what happened , and she 's shielding Meryl .
13 And I suspect all our hearts floated with them , until ,
14 Can you tell me how to reduce it as I have lost fish for no apparent reason and I suspect it may be connected to the high nitrate level ?
15 So the Cabriolet 's top is hollow down at least as far as the bass E string , and I suspect a little further .
16 I can see Lou Reed and Keith Richards playing one , and I suspect that some of the current Indie bands , champions of retro-style , could easily find themselves bewitched by the New York .
17 ‘ Better than to prolong it when I was n't particularly comfortable — and I suspect they were n't comfortable with me . ’
18 ‘ I felt a nine-match ban was a fair punishment for Davis , who was just breaking into the England squad at the time , and I suspect the FA may make an example of Ian as well . ’
19 By half-term I weighed seven stone nine pounds , and I suspect it was only then that I became weight-conscious in the literal sense .
20 ‘ It 's a real emotional roller coaster , and I suspect that a couple of days ahead I will be totally drained . ’
21 The Duke and Duchess of Windsor would have been marvellous and I suspect they might have done it , too .
22 So in an attempt to upgrade the tournament and I suspect to make sure that the host nation of the top division is bound to be involved in that division , the number of teams in each division has been increased from sic to eight .
23 The simple statistical confirmation that the majority of them were from 1984 onwards — and probably from that particular Friday , though one can not be certain — in the skies above the Pacific Ocean was ( for me and I suspect for most who came to know ) the first and final affirmation that from now on this part of the world was the centre of things .
24 And I suspect you of perversity , ’ Tundrish replied .
25 The government is having difficulty managing the NHS , and I suspect that it no longer wants the task .
26 He is in the form , and I suspect the mood , to do just that . ’
27 The bright recording reflects Leonskaja 's powerful attack , and I suspect that the absence of the real pianissimo that is so important in the second and fourth movements may have something to do with the playing itself .
28 And I suspect that even if you replace these people in positions of power you ca n't replace human nature .
29 Sir , I , and I suspect a good number of other readers , was surprised to read some of the comments in your feature on page one of the issue dated 20 September relating to the GCR Gala Weekend of 14/15 September .
30 His work has taken him by car to all parts of this wide and pictorially exciting area , and I suspect that lie has carried a notebook with him and jotted down impressions of darkening moors and sunset skies on his way home to Long Preston .
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