Example sentences of "[is] [adv] responsible for [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The Accounting Standards Board is obviously responsible for setting accounting standards and took over all the extant SSAPs from the Accounting Standards Committee .
2 Each planner is individually responsible for putting forward suggestions of suitable issues ; in some instances these can be the result of maverick ideas , and in others they are achieved through a more down-to-earth type of thought .
3 The wider system is generally responsible for allocating the resources of people , equipment , facilities , including the design of the calm forms which are used to complete the procedure within each section ; setting the rules governing the eligibility of individuals for certain expenses ; and exercising control over the procedure in the widest sense .
4 The head receptionist is usually responsible for planning the rotas to ensure that the reception desk is adequately staffed for peak periods and throughout the week .
5 The merchant bank is usually responsible for co-ordinating the transaction and for preparing documentation .
6 However , we have just had the third record increase in the amount of money that the Government have given to the Arts Council of Great Britain , which is directly responsible for passing on such moneys to the Royal Opera House , the Birmingham Royal Ballet and other companies .
7 Semantic memory can not work in this way , since in itself it is partly responsible for performing this function .
8 He is also responsible for providing the professional studies course with a teaching unit in Language and * ( 135 students ) , and teaches an option course on ‘ Educating the Imagination ’ .
9 This maxim is also responsible for producing a large range of standard implicatures .
10 He is also responsible for appointing the project team within his own section .
11 STB is also responsible for operating system-independent platforms so third parties can sell Sun hardware with Novell Inc , real-time or perhaps competing software like Microsoft Corp Windows NT .
12 Sparc Technology is also responsible for operating system-independent systems so third parties can sell Sun hardware with Novell Inc NetWare , real-time or perhaps competing software such as Microsoft Corp Windows NT .
13 It is also responsible for administering the procedures for the admission , supervision and examination of all graduate students .
14 It is also responsible for curating large amounts of geological information including samples , cores , records and maps .
15 The rent officer is also responsible for monitoring the rents which voluntary hostels can claim back in the form of housing benefits , and there are fears that the limits for hostels will be set at too low a level creating difficulties for both residents and the hostel management .
16 The National Audit Office , of which he is head , is also responsible for auditing the accounts of a wide range of bodies dependent on funds from central government such as the National Health Service and the Universities .
17 ( b ) the offeror is also responsible for making the announcement if a requirement to make a mandatory offer is triggered ;
18 The department is also responsible for consolidating all the business plans and presenting the resulting total corporate plan and the strategic implications of the total plan to senior management .
19 It 's the brainchild of a local landscape artist , who 's also responsible for bringing in Genesis , after hearing a song about railway workmen on their latest album .
20 And he is really responsible for bringing the three , because they deemed us a worthy cause when they saw er the work that we were doing , to perform free for us that evening in order to boost our funds .
21 The government has also extended the role of the rent officer who is now responsible for setting the maximum market rent in the area for which she or he is responsible , and any local authority paying housing benefit above the limits set will receive no subsidy from central government for the excess .
22 Patrick , now 34 , joined the EIA , and is now responsible for creating and coordinating all fund raising operations .
23 ‘ This practice is misguided ’ , they said , ‘ the Alkali Inspectorate ( now HM Industrial Air Pollution Inspectorate ) is legally responsible for controlling emissions from registered works and it is wrong in principle for local authorities to attempt to assume authority by use of planning laws ’ .
24 The 22 areas each employ at least one training officer who is mainly responsible for planning a training programme for the bureaux in the area and for training further trainers who will collaborate more closely with workers in their bureaux and help implement the plan .
25 While the Court of Appeal is ultimately responsible for establishing the tariff , this is far from being a cut-and-dried list of appropriate penalties .
26 That Wright is ultimately responsible for handling his short fuse and , to help him do that , think back to the hundreds of games he 's played when there has been no trouble .
27 The account executive is ultimately responsible for planning your campaign and ensuring that the agency delivers the goods .
28 First , it should be noted that care programming is primarily a health-led activity , with co-operation from the social services , while it is the local authority which is primarily responsible for producing the community care plan .
29 Led by the Head of Preservation the Preservation Division is primarily responsible for protecting and prolonging the life of the collections .
30 The southern hemisphere polar region may play a smaller role in carbon dioxide balance but it is primarily responsible for cooling the deep ocean .
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