Example sentences of "[noun pl] and partly [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Businessmen are now so convinced of the need to have a well-trained workforce — partly because of persistent skills shortages and partly because of the evangelising work of the TECs themselves — that they will cut almost anything before they cut their training budgets .
2 The cardinal points of her compass card were friendship with Great Britain ( partly because of traditional and sentimental reasons and partly because of a long coastline ) and watchfulness towards her neighbours , Austria-Hungary and France .
3 Of these , only the first was part of PNP and it proved to be the most problematic , partly for administrative reasons and partly because of the delicacy of the issues of culture and status which it raised .
4 The report claimed that the Code of Guidance which accompanied the Registered Homes Act of 1984 was not being applied , partly because of lack of resources and partly because of the restricted power of local authorities .
5 Also , a high interest rate strategy is partly the result of a high level of world interest rates and partly because of an adverse balance of payments position .
6 What our survey revealed , however , was that numbers ‘ on average ’ were decreasing , partly because there are too many overlapping tournaments and partly because of the imposition of a registration fee .
7 Of course , all human institutions must rely heavily on consensus , and it is proper that they should , but in the British Electricity Authority , partly because of the predilection of the chairmen and partly because of the difficulty of defining yardsticks , internal politics were to dominate commercial allocative mechanisms more than in most businesses .
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