Example sentences of "[adj] need for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was years since he had read it but he thought Jung had said something about the universal need for secret societies .
2 The problems identified by commentators , included those raised in connection with the previous document : the dominance of subjects , the neglect of teaching methods , and the implied need for increased resources .
3 Despite this demonstration of his habitual need for normal sleep , even if only for a few hours a night , this same individual appeared on television a few years later , again claiming never to sleep .
4 There is a clear need for any judge or court intending to exercise the wasted costs jurisdiction to formulate carefully and concisely the complaint and grounds upon which such an order may be sought .
5 Council houses were built to fulfil a social need for those people who could not , or for some reason did not wish to buy a house , and for generations to come .
6 He liked to think of Beamish in the dock at the Central Court , his counsel blustering on about his client 's perfectly normal , acceptable need for heavy metal poisons ( ‘ But how do you explain , Mr Beamish , your ordering a quantity of thallium from a perfectly reputable chemist 's … ? ’ )
7 The directorate has a continual need for processed information to support decision making , to develop policy and advice for Academic Board and Governors , and to satisfy the appetite of external bodies such as DF.S , CNAA , NAB/PCFC , etc. for numerical information From time to time there is also the need for high quality information to support particular initiatives , such as the ( successful ) application for accreditation .
8 The United States of the 1990s has a manifest need for independent thought .
9 In assessing additional needs for educational expenditure ( AEN ) and the needs for Personal Social Services for children aged less than 17 , both the Department of Education and Science and the Department of Health and Social Security use better estimates , which give a total of nearly 1.5 million children in lone-parent families .
10 I think there is a very real need for strategic guidance to be given by appropriate criteria being included in policy H two .
11 She 'd have to be tactful , would begin by saying there was a real need for male helpers
12 a real need for after-school care in rural areas … worry for working mothers
13 In the many isolated mountain areas distances from Vets and mechanics provided real problems for farmers and the indications were that there was a real need for more training in these areas .
14 Because many new mums ca n't produce enough expressed milk — or choose not to breastfeed — there 's a real need for donated milk from milk banks , but according to the National Childbirth Trust these are becoming few and far between .
15 ‘ There is a real need for these facilities as there are so many young mothers with children around there . ’
16 The government has also failed to accept the real need for improved provision at school level in this area .
17 Penning-Rowsell has also concluded that these were inspired by a growing awareness of landscape deterioration , through either urban expansion or inadequate management , and a perceived need for increased protection of those areas of greatest landscape quality .
18 It suggests that there has been hitherto no perceived need for local authorities to assert the right for denying which in 1891 the court was severely criticised , or to use the right which was held to exist by Browne J. , to whom no submissions were made based on article 10 , in the Bognor Regis case [ 1972 ] 2 Q.B. 169 in 1972 .
19 Each review group was asked to assess current and future needs for each specialty .
20 Yet there was a crucial need for such action because the years of recovery between 1945 and 1951 had not solved major , underlying problems in the British economy .
21 What is far more significant than Robert Stratford 's dismissal is Dean Offord 's appointment as chancellor in 1345 , for by this the king emphatically confirmed the crown 's crucial need for clerical ministers .
22 Thus Turner has written that the sporadic appearance of trade unionism arose not from the absence of collective association but from the " intermittence " of the actual need for collective action " .
23 Granted that there is an absolute need for humanistic values to prevail in a neo-utilitarian and materialistic age , one is faced with a significant divergence in the nature of these values .
24 From the organisation chart and the senior management team stems the absolute need for detailed job descriptions for all members of the organisation .
25 Where the treaty language indicates the parties ' intention that the Canal shall have international usage , that the regime shall be permanent , and is to further the global need for open communication routes it seems that third party rights must be recognised .
26 Between elections the paramount need for any Home Secretary is to maintain the support of his own party members , a task made harder in each of the major parties by the fact that local party workers often hold more extreme views on what should be done than do Ministers .
27 There is a similar need for auditory discrimination since the differences between ‘ hat ’ and ‘ hut ’ , and ‘ fin ’ and ‘ thin' are again subtle but significant .
28 Thus , although until recently the position of those who are tended by and ‘ tend ’ old people in the same household has been too little discussed and merits more sensitive and systematic consideration , there is a similar need for informed debate about nearly three-quarters of elderly people in the UK who live separately from younger people .
29 In India there was an additional need for female protection among the Muslims .
30 The transsexual individual , although unquestionably male or female in physical and genital appearance and gender , has an intense feeling of being a man trapped in woman 's form , or vice versa and , usually , an obsessive need for sexual realignment .
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