Example sentences of "[noun sg] is assumed to be " in BNC.

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1 The production side is assumed to be represented by an aggregate production function relating output , Y , to total ( malleable ) capital , K , and labour , L : where F is a twice differentiable increasing concave function , homogeneous of degree one .
2 The supply of labour is assumed to be a fixed fraction of the total population , to be exogenously determined , and to grow exponentially at rate n : or where u denotes time , and L the derivative with respect to time .
3 In any Open Door disagreement , the employee is assumed to be right unless the manager has impeccable documentation to the contrary .
4 This skill is assumed to be inborn and intuitive , but one glance at a student 's notes shows this assumption to be unfounded .
5 Revision is assumed to be a teleological operation , the process of an autonomous author in control of an autonomous aesthetic entity .
6 Following the derivation in Lancaster ( 1985a ) , we assume that the observed hazard function is and not ( as given by ( 8 ) and ( 9 ) ) , where The unobservable random error is assumed to be a positive random variable with unit mean , variance and density .
7 As Professor Chapman observes , high status nursing can be seen as a route to social mobility ; the more closely the nurse works with a doctor as a member of the team , the more prestigious the job is assumed to be .
8 None of the ‘ training officer ’ group specifically mentioned this , although formal Chief Executive/Local Authority approval is assumed to be required in all cases .
9 The effect of the income tax is assumed to be to reduce post-tax income ; the effect of indirect taxes is assumed to be an increase in the consumer price .
10 Each line of the file is assumed to be a role name .
11 The liability of each person is assumed to be determined by the independent contribution of a major locus ( g ) ( a locus that causes a displacement of more than one phenotypic standard deviation between normal and abnormal genotypes on the liability scale ) ; a multifactorial component ( c ) , attributable in theory to a large number of genetic or environmental influences , or both , acting additively and transmitted from parents to their children ; and a random , non-transmitted environmental factor ( e ) .
12 It is possible to imagine a web of direct relationships between mosaics , wherein each mosaic is assumed to be the work of a craftsman who had worked on at least one other mosaic in the group .
13 On the other hand , in the neo-classical version of the model , which applies when full employment is reached , the price level is determined by the nominal money supply and output is assumed to be determined exogenously .
14 Graph ( a ) shows the Keynesian speculative demand for money ( L s ) on the assumption that it is inversely related to the rate of interest between the interest rates Oi and Oi , 1 : above Oi 1 , the speculative demand is assumed to be zero and below Oi , it is assumed to be perfectly elastic .
15 The variable is assumed to be distributed independently of I and N ( and of other random terms ) , and across generations , with constant mean and variance .
16 Saving S in the economy is assumed to be related to income levels also , in a similar manner to consumption .
17 In these models the economy is assumed to be adjusting continuously rather than moving in discrete jumps at intervals ( annual or quarterly ) corresponding to the available data .
18 In this approach the chain is assumed to be contained in a hypothetical tube which is placed initially in a three dimensional network formed from the other entangled chains .
19 Flight is assumed to be either normal forward flapping flight , or gliding .
20 Sex is assumed to be the property of a ‘ physical elite ’ : our sexual possibilities are significantly affected by our appearance .
21 From 150kHz to 30HMz , interference is assumed to be primarily conducted .
22 From 30MHz to 1GHz , interference is assumed to be radiated .
23 If however the desired labour supply exceeds that demanded , L D , the consumer is rationed on this market and utility is maximized subject to the constraint L s = L D ( the process of rationing is assumed to be such that each worker is employed for the same fraction of the desired L s ) .
24 This permits people to be punished for crimes that are assumed to have taken place , and of which the suspect is assumed to be guilty , without any formalities of proof , evidence or charges .
25 The airflow over the tail is assumed to be a steady uniform flow comprising the vector sum of the bird 's velocity and the induced velocity generated by the wings .
26 The cone of vision is assumed to be right regular .
27 In Fig. 11–8 the bureau is assumed to be maximizing the size of its budget and producing an output of Oq b .
28 The number is assumed to be of a certain maximum field width and the process also terminates if this field width is reached .
29 Given that the original model is assumed to be both closed and in equilibrium , there is no surplus constant capital to draw upon .
30 However , schema-consistent information is assumed to be more easy to integrate into existing memory structures and more likely to be subsequently recalled since active schema guide and cue the retrieval process ( Brewer & Treyens , 1981 ) .
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