Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh det] [modal v] give [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In 1924 he published work on the parachor , a function of surface tension which could give information about the structure of molecules .
2 Villagers are angry over a proposed deal which would give owners of a gravel pit the right to build thirty houses .
3 Until we have dealt with that , there will not be the certainty in the industry which will give people the confidence they need to invest .
4 It is not a disease in itself , but a condition which may give rise to problems if not controlled .
5 This inevitably produces a certain amount of fan noise which may give problems with sound recording .
6 Mrs Thatcher should do either as the Mail demands and replace Mr Lawson with a Chancellor of whose policies she can wholeheartedly approve or , as Mr Heseltine urges , lift her veto against the only course which could give credibility to an exchange rate policy .
7 The novel then began to stake its claim as a genre which could give insight into the human psyche that no news broadcast or film ever could .
8 Personally I am convinced that unless initiatives like that undertaken by the Urban Studies Centre ( see page 95 ) are adopted , we will continue to train teachers who , though they have impeccable paper qualifications , lack the real life experience which will give credibility to the certificates , degrees and diplomas they have so earnestly won .
9 25% to 50%When there is also a majority shareholder , has ‘ negative ’ influence which may give bargaining power through the ability to block special resolutions ; where the holding is the single largest shareholding may have a considerable degree of control
10 It operates mostly on labour-intensive , repetitive government forms rather than the wider variety of commercial printing work which would give men a marketable skill on release as well as a good work experience .
11 she has opposed every new European law which would give women more justice .
12 The merchant explained there would be a tableau which would give honour to the king as well as reflect the glory of the Goldsmith 's Guild , with huge screens on which the carpenters and masons had carved elaborate scenes .
13 The dietician is consulted and provides a commercially made liquid diet which will give Mr Reynolds the nutrients he needs and is high in calories and protein .
14 We have also introduced a reform which will give people more choice as to who represents them legally in court .
15 A basic sense of wonder ( a ) to foster their capacity for imagination which can give rise to vision , realizing that reality can be greater and other than it often seems — so that they appreciate that a flat two-dimensional approach to life is not the only option available ; ( b ) to understand that religious faith expresses itself in a variety of forms , many of which are close to the arts , and to realize also that religious language is mostly used in symbolic or metaphorical ways ; ( c ) to appreciate the emotional power of religious commitment and how this can be beneficial or harmful .
16 The time seemed ripe for a cabinet and prime ministerial intervention which would give Britain a higher profile space policy .
17 Despite his human limitations he managed to retrieve the underwater thorn which would give immortality , although it was stolen from him on his journey back to Uruk by a serpent .
18 Webber 's job was to locate any pitfalls in the concept which might give substance to Wilson 's original ‘ maybe ’ about the show .
19 This is supported by General Condition 2 of the Engineering and Computer Policies which sets out the action to be taken by the Policyholder on the happening of any event which may give rise to a claim .
20 It should be noted that we do not require immediate notification of any claim but in fact of any event which could give rise to a claim under the policy .
21 The journal has now changed its status to that of a charity which will give tax advantages and will enable it to set up an endowment fund .
22 So let us take one of the two decision variables and try to create a possible argument which might give rise to the observed comparative static effects ; this argument is partly backed by some of the questionnaire responses .
23 It is a comparison which should give pause to those tempted automatically to condemn the Government .
24 It is a comparison which should give pause to those tempted automatically to condemn the Government .
25 A working group of senior parliamentarians broke the deadlock at the talks by endorsing a charter which would give equality in parliament to the majority Muslim population and transfer powers now enjoyed by the Maronite presidency to a cabinet headed by a Sunni Muslim .
26 2 ) the Campaign for freedom of Information is trying to promote a bill which would give patients the right to see their own medical records .
27 At no time did England lack a government which could give direction to religious affairs , whether that of Henry VIII , Mary and Elizabeth , or the minority government of Edward VI , presided over by the exceedingly tough Somerset and Northumberland .
28 ( e ) there was widespread agreement amongst those who opposed the proposal , that a solicitor who wished to act in the circumstances outlined in the question ought nevertheless to be under an obligation to disclose to the lender any personal , family or employee interests attaching to the transaction which might give rise to a conflict .
29 One thing which could give pagers a new lease of life is miniaturisation .
30 By Aug. 24 , when the Security Council Military Staff Committee met , the USA had drafted a proposed resolution which would give UN legitimacy to the use of the necessary force to maintain a blockade , but which would leave the decision on such interventions to the naval command ( i.e. to the US Navy , in practice , or the British or French , since it was expected that those other countries which had contributed naval forces on a smaller scale would wish to avoid this controversial step ) .
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