Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] [adv] be said " in BNC.

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1 The decision may certainly be said to be out of line with the recent trend , that a defendant should be judged on the facts as he believes them to be ; and this led the Criminal Law Revision Committee to recommend that the rules should be harmonized and that the prosecution should prove that the man realized that the girl was under 16 .
2 At the same time as the area covered by the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher has been enlarged , the usefulness of the rule has been reduced by the unwillingness of the courts to apply it in circumstances where the defendant could not be said to have been at fault .
3 If , no matter how randomly you threw matter around , the resulting conglomeration could often be said , with hindsight , to be good for something , then it would be true to say that I cheated over the swallow and the whale .
4 A review of recent research led Coleman ( 1986 ) to conclude that reminiscence therapy could not be said to stand on a very solid base , and that it is important not to make generalizations about the value of reminiscence to any particular individual .
5 Conversely , a spirit of self-criticism and renewal can hardly be said to be absent from the religious sphere when one of the problems faced by institutionalized orthodoxies has been to contain the eruption of reform and sectarian revolt .
6 " Employment on the railways as in other sections of the transport industry can not be said to have been of such a character as to fit in with the theory of labour aristocracy . "
7 Since Raymond Oliver 's assertion to the effect that your , dairyman always has one of the great vintages of French Gruyère can not be said to apply to any of my dairymen both the questions of authenticity and of relative skill with the fondue set are academic .
8 That the windscreen wipers started to work can properly be said to have been caused by a set of things including the state of the wipers ' mountings and the smooth surface of the windscreen as well as the switch 's being flipped .
9 If the purpose of the law is to protect women from acts of sexual intercourse to which they have not in fact consented , whether by reason of force actually applied , physical or other threat , or fear induced by the accused or by others , then the relevant question would appear to be : Did this particular woman , in these particular circumstances , submit to this particular man ; or did she in fact freely consent to have intercourse with him ? … if the law deems the woman to have consented to the act despite ample evidence of threats which rendered her submissive but non-consenting , then the law can not be said to be serving its true function of protecting individuals from the imposition of non-consensual sexual intercourse . ’
10 No area of the law can ever be said to be easy but the legislation dealing with obscene and indecent publications seems to be unduly complicated .
11 There is a natural logic to such a structure in that management can reasonably be said to be about making the best use of the resources available and , to this extent , is a normal part of the clinical process .
12 Nevertheless it was held that any false indication given by the retailer could not be said to be due to the act or default of Cadbury since the retailer could quite easily have compared the weights and prices of his existing stock and the new bars to see if the label ‘ Extra value ’ was justified .
13 Thus , because the taxpayer could not be said to control the trustees , he could not be said to have control over the application of the income within s742(e) .
14 The last payment could not be said to have been more than required to pay for such services rendered then or in the future .
15 We could only do so if in our view he was so clearly and outrageously wrong that his decision could properly be said to be irrational .
16 Consent may thus be said to require not merely a knowledge of the physical facts of sexual intercourse but some elementary appreciation of the significance of the act in its biological , social and moral context .
17 Ideas concerning human nature can thus be said to constitute a human universal .
18 At p625 he stated : A vendor selling property to a purchaser can not be said to lend him the unpaid portion of the purchase price .
19 Of course grandiose ideas of this sort can never be said to be entirely new .
20 With the exception of a few of the non-manual workers , concentrated in the first group , early retirement can not be said to have been chosen from a position of strength — namely , possessing financial security , good health , and the option of continued employment .
21 A flower or tree might well be said to show signs of distress much as an athlete might unwittingly show symptoms of it , although it would be inappropriate to describe a watch in that way .
22 The policing of CND rallies and the miners ' strike could hardly be said from the Government 's point of view to have failed , and certainly the police did not suffer for want of legal powers .
23 It is true that , as the term is commonly used , a representative , as opposed to a delegate , is not mandated to speak or vote in particular ways ; but it has always been a puzzle to me to understand in what ways such a person can then be said to represent , or speak for , those who sent him/her there .
24 But any magazine that retains a nonagenarian film critic and a weekly cartoonist who has entered his eighth decade can hardly be said to be immature .
25 The Tema Russo Finale can hardly be said to go off like a rocket either .
26 If the purpose of damages is to compensate a victim rather than punish the perpetrator , then a successful plaintiff who passes his award to charity can not be said to have been compensated in any way .
27 I should have screamed at the start — whenever the start could now be said to be .
28 First , if the plaintiff had passed on the relevant tax to others , the taxing authority could not be said to have been unjustly enriched at the plaintiff 's expense , and he was not therefore entitled to recover .
29 The novel 's role could then be said to be to question the way we think about culture .
30 That being so , the direct object can not be said to be totally redundant .
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