Example sentences of "could [verb] for [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The warden and his wife , being owners of a Siamese cat , were not overjoyed to see Emily but they reluctantly fed her a saucer of milk , saying that she could stay for one night .
2 The Library could budget for phased installation of entry level systems within the next three years by spending a proportion of its budget in each of these years , and working on these systems would give us the expertise to proceed to development phase .
3 The other way in which he could compensate for unfavourable power relations was through effective public relations .
4 Editing could make for better sound .
5 Tomorrow Hari would go to Ma Popits first thing and see what cast-off clothing she could buy for young Will .
6 The rest could wait for another day .
7 At times of high wages or low food prices , out-workers could opt for more leisure , but in times of slack trade they might well find themselves unable to get enough work to compensate for falling rates .
8 We know that there are in principle X young people who could qualify for that entitlement — that information is available from the census — but their choice whether or when to exercise it is not predictable .
9 The sweetener for those who find themselves paying more is that they could qualify for transitional relief which which will cover the increase .
10 I have already mentioned the stipulation that before I could qualify for married status I should have passed two language exams .
11 If you think you could qualify for this allowance or need more information of help in filling in the forms , contact the bureau .
12 Once she got her bearings , she could head for Dead Rat and get Doc Threadneedle to sort out her skullplates .
13 There was nothing we could do for poor Victor at five in the morning ; we should meet for an early breakfast and decide then what to do .
14 Could do for some charity .
15 Her doctor had told her that there was nothing he could do for this problem , so she decided on private treatment from a doctor that a friend recommended .
16 First , we could search for some analogue of the potential function which proved so useful in electrostatics .
17 And erm being as he put a new table in the mill he thought we could work for thirty pound a week less , on this table .
18 Amongst the villagers , the division on Friday night was between the men , who had been in the pub and could vouch for each other , and the wives , who had been watching telly at home and could n't , but who seemed knowledgeable , when pressed , about a number of ITV programmes .
19 He stated that the Soviet Union had to negotiate the return of the islands before it could hope for improved co-operation with Japan .
20 One weakness of this study is that being retrospective , although the authors could control for inter-rater reliability in defining cases of schizophrenia , they were relying on diagnoses made by clinicians at an earlier period .
21 ‘ I could die for that ceiling , ’ he says .
22 In recognition of the general interest in avoiding the disruptive effect of such proceedings on the public administration no one could apply for judicial review unless they had successfully applied ex parte for leave .
23 There she could call for any food or liquor she wanted , so long as she had the wherewithal to pay the inflated prices demanded by the Sponging House keeper .
24 The guy was talking to Pete , he thought he could , he develop , he could develop for coarse fishing
25 From ‘ above ’ , a left government could attempt to gain control over the deployment of investment funds , in particular the surplus income of the personal sector , while from ‘ below ’ workers could struggle for democratic control over the particular enterprises which employ them , breaking down the managerial hierarchies and commercial secrecy of these enterprises .
26 For example , one could write for six-part choir and have three upper and three lower voices in two separate strata , or use a nine:part choir , three different layers of three voices each , etc .
27 Perhaps I could suggest her getting someone in to look after him and she could come for half time .
28 Is it not a ridiculous situation when the motoring correspondent of The Times ( 30 Jan. ) describes how he intended travelling from Brighton to Birmingham by rail , but found that he could drive for one quarter of the price , despite sole occupancy of a largish estate car ?
29 In the same edition of The Times , their motor correspondent describes how he considered making the return journey from Brighton to Birmingham by rail , but found that he could drive for one quarter the cost of a second-class fare , despite being the sole occupant of a largish estate car .
30 On top of that sum they could bid for further income to make network programmes , or for capital investment .
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