Example sentences of "can then [vb infin] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We can then observe the effect of substituting place for bank in 18 and 19 :
2 You can then move the data files that you want to keep ( having selected them with Ctrl+click ) onto a disk in drive A. Alternatively you could move them to a different subdirectory on the hard disk .
3 You can then move the paper across the table and compare symptoms of the case to each remedy in turn and make a note of those that match the best .
4 It 's a feature that might come in handy when building an annual report : the user selects a field and chooses the added ‘ delegate ’ option from the menu , and can then send the spreadsheet to a colleague with the field highlighted and instructions to fill it in .
5 When the subject emerges from its temporary death into the position of the ‘ je ’ it can then assume a name .
6 Sticking a rubber bath mat to the bottom of the bath from the start should help to prevent this type of reaction , and you can then lift the dog in carefully .
7 You can then wash the summer sheet regularly and the top when the outside gets do disgusting you ca n't bear to see it .
8 When you and they are satisfied with the work , the grant will be released to you and you can then pay the builder .
9 Er but in our London office , apparently they do a lot of inheritance tax planning because of the size of estates , and they actually invite the children in , and say to the children look , you know , if erm you die , the estate will be devalued by forty thousand because of tax , er if you want to make provision the , the er the contract is still written on the erm , the erm individuals ' lives , but it can then be erm paid by the children , so your children can then pay the premiums .
10 Newco can then lease the assets back to Target in return for rental payments from Target , against which Newco can set any available writing down allowances in respect of the expenditure incurred in acquiring the assets and interest payments on its borrowings .
11 and when you 've finished it you can then do a picture about your
12 The systems can then identify the segments of the population who are most likely to buy the product/ services .
13 If we analyze lots of water samples taken at different depths at the same we can then plot a graph of concentration versus depth and get a profile that looks something like this .
14 so that I can then confirm the booking .
15 A hydraulic ram elevates the section of the launcher vehicle housing the four missiles to an angle of 450 ; the caps over the rear ends of the launch tubes fold down , so that the exhaust gases from the booster rockets can pass through ; and the crew can then press the fire button .
16 You can then press the TAB key to move to the second page and enter the identifiers of the additional DCs to be activated via this package .
17 They can then absorb the literature in their own time and make up their own minds .
18 Most schools , I am glad to say , have aquariums and goldfish , water snails , weeds , stones , shells are to be observed carefully and often and the children can then create a picture from a real experience , not necessarily from direct observation , but with the experience near at hand for reference when needed .
19 So if the plaintiffs can , without obtaining the bank statements and other documents held by Mr. Tully prove that he has embezzled money from Abbey and make him bankrupt , the plaintiffs can then discover the bank statements and other information they now seek .
20 We can then compare the evidence from these two countries with the situation in the United Kingdom .
21 One can then compare the amount of radioactivity in control and trained chicks region by region and look for differences .
22 The hotel or hall staff can arrange chairs , drinks , and someone to direct and greet the late arrivals , who can then view the wedding presents , or be introduced to each other until a suitable moment arrives for them to enter the dining hall .
23 If it is approved , the producer and creative team can then choose a production company and director , brief them and obtain a quote which the producer will go over with a toothcomb , obtaining alternative quotes from other companies if necessary .
24 That at the very least gives me the opportunity er to at very least glance through , I do n't know how long they 're going to be of course , but at very least glance through them to see what I need to see , to see if there 's any which is self-evidently requiring further comment , or further site visit , and er I can then give the Councils a further two weeks in which to respond to that .
25 The Grid control Centre forecasts the amount of gas required and then notifies the National Control Centre who can then nominate the volume of gas to be fed into the system at the coastal terminals .
26 The employees can then exchange the vouchers for goods or services .
27 And you can report that because this baby 's going to need to go to hospital right so those are the three things you do , you raise the room temperature , erm you cuddle the baby close to your own body which should be warm , removing any excess layers , you can then wrap a blanket around yourself and the baby , if you can , give it a warm drink but you , you may , may not be able to do that , you take the baby 's temperature and you seek medical advice right Is that quite clear ?
28 Surely you would want one or the other , which is why this rackmount Ampeg looks like a good match for the Yamaha bass ; it has straightforward controls which are still exactly what you would want , and you can then modify the sound with the bass itself .
29 You can then vary the amount you want the picture solarised and selectively solarise some bits more than others by burning in areas with your flash enlarger .
30 You can then vary the amount you want the picture solarised and selectively solarise some bits more than others by burning in areas with your flash enlarger .
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