Example sentences of "can [adv] [verb] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Women , who apparently thrive on stress , display typically aggressive ‘ type A ’ behaviour , which often includes becoming ‘ hooked ’ on vigorous exercise , hormonal imbalance which can eventually lead to irregular periods and weight loss resulting in an early menopause , brittle bones , thinning and wrinkling of the skin , and falling hair .
2 Organisation development ‘ is a complex educational strategy intended to change the beliefs , attitudes , values and structure of organisations so that they can better adapt to new technologies , markets and challenges and to the dizzying rate of change itself . ’
3 Sunny conditions in temperatures below zero can suddenly turn to biting conditions in a strong headwind .
4 I can only talk to other computers when they are within my range .
5 As we saw , Kant showed that the two worlds fell under different laws ; and to mingle them together can only lead to meaningless nonsense .
6 It is clear that if the theory advanced in these pages is correct then lessening of parental authority can only lead to increasing confrontation with the younger generation .
7 Taking various client groups into the bureaucracy is in itself no real way forward because in that context it can only lead to professional defensiveness of the worst kind .
8 Intervention in the market economy can only lead to harmful results , therefore , because it will disrupt the workings of the overall economic order .
9 No fire can burn without the oxygen air provides , and air can only rise to great heights when it 's warmed by fire .
10 While street markets can easily adapt to changing demand from fresh vegetables to bric-a-brac , covered markets can present a greater problem .
11 However , numerical experimentation has , of course , its own problems , lack of awareness of which can easily lead to spurious conclusions .
12 [ She goes on to note that ] … the needs of squeezing religions into manageable units can easily lead to unhelpful emphases on the superficial , the external and the exotic on the one hand , or the conservative , the established and the institutional in religious traditions on the other hand , at the expense of such less obvious and less accessible factors as the profound interiority of faith , the mundane ordinariness of discipleship , and the radical reforming zeal within traditions which challenges them to continually renew themselves .
13 Entrants to Psychology in the Faculty of Science and Engineering can generally transfer to other Biological Sciences subjects , though the reverse transfer is not always possible .
14 That they can increase production in the short and medium run is beyond doubt , but unless employed in the full knowledge of land potential and soil life they can soon lead to diminishing returns .
15 It can moreover lead to endless trouble : there are always children who will opt out on parental instructions or with parental permission , or who may be thought to need alternative provision .
16 It hot , humid , windless conditions , effective sweating is difficult and these conditions can rapidly lead to severe fatigue and exhaustion as the horse 's body temperature rises .
17 But he can still respond to special toys like this which use light stimulation .
18 But if all the threats fail , the Whips can always turn to trained solicitor Greg Knight and his practised line in legal persuasion .
19 People can plan their affairs with more confidence if they have more guidance about when and how the state will intervene , and the community will therefore be better off if it can reasonably look to past judicial decisions to predict future ones .
20 It can also lead to certain cancers , notably of the mouth , pharynx and oesophagus .
21 These conditions can also lead to selective out-migration , which has been an important feature shaping the social geography of certain rural areas .
22 This is by far the commonest cavity for lasers in general , but has major drawbacks from a theoretical standpoint : the standing-wave pattern greatly complicates the atomic response and can also lead to multimode operation , and time and space are much more intimately mixed in the feedback process .
23 Alcohol can also lead to poor memory and an apparently confused state of mind which can then be wrongly interpreted as the onset of senile dementia .
24 Scale can also lead to expensive and time-consuming maintenance problems in dishwashers , blocking spray nozzles as well as building up on heating elements and causing their premature failure .
25 Such additions to the software , which are necessarily written in machine code , are very effective but their production is fairly complex and time-consuming and can also lead to serious problems if transfer to a different machine is attempted .
26 It can also lead to drastic embrittlement , because the interfacial adhesion gets too strong .
27 Trampling of vegetation is one of the most widespread environmentally degrading repercussions of recreation and can also lead to excessive soil erosion .
28 Sectoral policy can also lead to unexpected problems as protected national entities themselves attempt to compete in international markets .
29 One can also move to adjacent fourths , or even to fourth groups with completely new components .
30 An inadequate knowledge of what constitutes a ‘ good diet ’ , particularly regarding the essential protein , mineral and vitamin constituents of food , can also contribute to poor diet .
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